January and February 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. “ 1 Corinthians 4:1

Mission Conference: The “Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa” had its annual Faith Promise Mission Conference the middle of January, and it was a huge success. The majority of our folks came out every night for the preaching, followed by a meal. Brother Bill Wall, a missionary who has a church about a half an hour away, preached the conference and was greatly used of the Lord to challenge our people to faithfulness. We weren’t meeting our Faith Promise commitment before, and now we have raised each of our 5 missionaries by $10 a month, as well as taken on a sixth missionary and the church is giving enough that we can still take on a couple of others. AMEN!! In fact, they are giving more to Faith Promise than for the tithe, which has also increased after the conference!

Kid’s Day: Some people in the U.S. had contacted us about sending down some special gifts for kids at Christmas time. The gifts didn’t arrive until the 2nd week of January, so we had a special service about God’s great gift to us, with special lessons, puppets and message for children. We had asked for fifty gifts, but they sent over a hundred nice gifts. We invited kids all over town and had 92 kids in the service, plus a few of their parents, so with our regulars, we had a new record attendance of 152!! Afterward, 13 adults and kids made a profession of faith. AMEN!!

Soul Winning: We have knocked every door in this town of 16,000 several times, and have had quite a few make a profession of faith at the door. Although we try to be sure they understand, and keep going back to visit them, we can’t get people to come to a service even one time. God has still blessed and sent others, but we are really searching for the key to getting this people to understand the truth. Their Jesus, that they still have on the cross, who shares his glory with saints and virgins, is not the Christ of the Bible, the creator of all things. Pray for the church to be more effective here in Anáhuac.

Valentine’s Day: Ten couples from our church went out to eat together for their “Day of Love and Friendship”. Besides the food, games, and special message, it was a great time of fun and fellowship.

Construction: We had no idea that the Lord would still have us here to build the main auditorium for our church, but we need the room, especially a nursery. A Christian friend loaned us a backhoe so we could dig out for the foundation. AMEN! The church has been saving money, and should have enough to get the walls up and the roof on, and then they will finish one part at a time as they have the money.

Prayer Requests: Faith Promise and Tithe to keep coming in; Wisdom for outreach – Soul winning; Construction – wisdom and money; Continued prayer – Otoniel & family coming to work with us in June; Pastor for the church

Praise: People saved; Good Faith Promise Conference; Unity in the church

In His Service,