March and April 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” I Thes. 5:24

Anáhuac: The “Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa” continues to be faithful with its Faith Promise commitment that it made in January. Praise the Lord! It has taken some time for them to see that the church is their responsibility, but little by little they are growing in their faith and faithfulness.
We have had eight people make professions of faith, and four baptized.
Guillermina, the grandmother of one of our teens, broke her leg. We visited her in the hospital, but could not convince her to trust the Lord, as she cannot get past trusting in her “Virgin of Guadalupe”. Please pray for her as we continue visiting her that she would understand and be converted. She has a lot of family in Anáhuac, and could be the key to many coming to Christ. After praying with Guillermina, a lady in the hallway called us back to pray with her husband. He had obviously heard the gospel, but had never accepted the Lord as his Savior. He called on the Lord once and for all, and was saved!
Saul, the brother of a lady in our church had an accident working on a big truck, and should have died instantly, but the Lord had other plans. We had visited him several times, and were just now able to lead him to Christ. Praise the Lord! His family is very Catholic. Please pray for him and them.
Ricardo and Monia were expecting their first baby, and it died shortly after being born. We had tried to win Ricardo to the Lord, but his business and life were just too important. Since this tragedy, we were able to get them to come to church one time. Please pray for their comfort and salvation.

Teens: Our teens had really gotten discouraged with the daily attacks of Satan by teachers, other students, rock music, and even parents. Four churches got together for a picnic to which 58 attended, and the fellowship and preaching really gave them a shot in the arm.
We went to camp the week after Easter. The theme of the camp was “Transformed to Serve”. The Spirit of God came down. At least half and sometimes all of the 80 teens came forward at the invitations. The next Sunday, most of the 17 teens that went with us, came and gave testimonies. It was great! Please pray that they will stay strong, and serve as they committed to do.
Twelve teens just finished a 26 lesson discipleship course! Praise the Lord!
God called Adrián, 20, to full-time service, but Satan has really been fighting him. He had two car wrecks within three weeks of each other, one car was completely demolished. Please pray that he would put his confidence and future in the Lord’s hands.

Workers: Otoniel and his family will be graduating from a Bible institute, and will be coming to work with us for one year of service, as of the 21 of June. Please pray for them and for our church.

FM-3 Visas: Please pray that our work visas would come back soon.

Prayer: Salvation of Guillermina, Ricardo and Monia; Teens to stay encouraged; Adrián – Surrender; Saul – growth & family; Pastor for the church; Otoniel and family – year of service; FM-3 visas
Praise: People saved; Saul; Baptisms; Great camp

In His Service,