May and June 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“…With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Anáhuac: The summer-time crunch is upon us. Several families are leaving for vacations.
There were ten young people from our church who graduated this year, some from primary, some from secondary, and some from high school. We had a special service for them, challenging them to take the next step in their walk with the Lord. God has called 4 of our teens to full-time service, one young lady (besides our Bethany) is going to Bible institute this fall, another next fall, and the others need to trust the Lord and step out by faith. Please pray for all of them.
Lord willing, we will be taking several teens to camp the last week of July. Please pray for the Lord to work in their hearts.

Assistant: Otoniel, his wife Gabriela, their kids David 11 and Keyla 10, have just moved here after graduating from a Bible institute here in Mexico. They will complete one year of service with our church. We looked for a house to rent, and there just wasn’t much available. We prayed that God would provide a good, economical house close to the church building. One week before they arrived, we were able to rent one right next door to the church for about $50 a month (a good price even for here). Our people provided most of the furniture and pitched in to fix it up and clean it as well. AMEN! We are praying for wisdom to give them the experience that they will need.

Construction: The auditorium is going up slowly, as we are depending on the men of the church doing most of the work. (Of course, they all have full-time jobs.) We just believe that they need to take responsibility for their own church.

Salvation: In our last letter, I asked that you pray for Guillermina, grandma to one of our teens. She had broken her leg, they put a plate in, and she broke it again, and had ten new fractures. Before she went in for surgery this time, I gave her the plan of salvation again, and asked her if she would like to be saved. She said she would, but that she had always been catholic. I told her that God would save her if she would just ask Him, and she did. AMEN!! Pray for her leg to heal, and for her spiritual growth.

Family: Please pray for Connie, as she has a herniated disc in her lower back. She is undergoing therapy that should afford her comfort, without surgery. We are praying that God will heal her.
I just celebrated my 50th birthday in June! The church had a surprise birthday party for me that was a tremendous blessing to see their thoughtfulness and love!

Prayer: Graduates; Those going to Bible institute, others that should; Camp – decisions;
Otoniel; Pastor for the church; Guillermina – leg – spiritual growth;
Connie – healing of her back
Praise: People saved; For God’s provision; Church working together; Received FM-3
visas; Birthday – 50 years

In His Service,