July and August 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.” Psalms 148:13

Anniversary: Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa (Precious Seed Baptist Church) just celebrated 9 years since we held the first services in Anáhuac. We baptized four people and had a great time of testimonies with dinner after the services. AMEN!!

Assistant: Otoniel and Gabriela and their children have settled right in. They are hard workers and have already been a blessing to our church!! Please pray for the Lord’s direction in their year of service and whether he should be the pastor.

VBS: “Fishers of Men” was the theme for vacation Bible school. We had more than a hundred children come each day, with 129 in attendance on Sunday. There were 17 children saved after hearing every day that they were sinners, and that Christ had come to seek and save them. AMEN!!

Teens: We took 12 teens to youth camp in July. The theme was “Good Soldier of Jesus Christ”.  The teaching and preaching dealt with the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6, being separated from the world, and set apart unto Christ. Several of our teens confessed sin in their lives, and surrendered to serve the Lord. Gabi had felt that she needed to go to Bible institute next year, but upon returning from camp, she made the decision to leave everything and go this year.
Pati and Gabi will begin Bible institute September third, in Torre
ón, Cuauhila, about six hours from home.
Going home from camp, Julián, a Mexican pastor had an accident, several teens were injured, and three were serious. They are doing better every day. Praise the Lord! This is obviously emotionally very trying for Bro. Julián, but he is also financially responsible for the hospital bills. Please pray for him, the church, and for the girls to recuperate.

Family: Connie is making necessary adjustments to her daily routine to continue recuperation of her back. Please keep praying for her.
Seth, our oldest, married Ashley Wilson on August 11 in Maysville, OK. It was a beautiful wedding!! They will be living in OKC.
Bethany, our youngest, is beginning her first year of studies at Heartland Baptist Bible College in OKC. Not only are we empty-nesters, but she will be greatly missed in our ministry.

Praise: 9th anniversary; People saved; Decisions made at camp; Seth & Ashley

Prayer: Otoniel & family – service; Bethany, Pati & Gabi in Bible College; Connie’s back;
Bro. Julián & recuperation of 3 girls.

In His Service,