September and October 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Construction: Six years ago, the Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa bought its own property to build a church building which would give it more permanence. Four years ago, the church moved into the first phase of their building, which would in the future be used for the Sunday school and fellowship hall. Since then, the church has been saving for the auditorium on which we have now begun construction. It will allow the church to grow and have more ministries. All of our men work during the day, 6 days a week, so time is limited when they can help. Our folks are now giving special offerings for the roof. Inflation is really taking its toll, but we know that the work is the Lord’s and that He will provide! Amen!
Our sending church helped fund the transport of some windows, doors, church pews, and etc… that were donated from the United States. Bro. Warren with “Wagons with Provisions” transported them to Presidio, Texas. Then because of some Mexican politics, the Mexican trucking company that wanted to bring the materials to us was unable to. Some men from our church went up to the border and we brought them in ourselves. The Lord used several people to be a blessing! Amen!

Challenges: We have been in a lengthy process, almost a year now, of getting the church property legally in the name of the church. It will cost around $3,700 dollars!
We had rented a house next door to the church for Otoniel, the assistant pastor, but the owner got deported from the United States and took his house back. We were using a room of the house for an extra children’s Sunday school class, which now meets in the church van. Although there are very few houses available, the Lord provided another house. Amen! It isn’t as handy for the church or for Otoniel and his family, but the Lord has His plan.

Ministries: Connie is trying to encourage and challenge our ladies with special meetings.
The youth group has been struggling since three of our faithful girls left for Bible College. We have had some special activities to try and encourage them. Please pray for them!

Family: Our son Andrew, and his wife Shana, gave us our second granddaughter, Julia Nicole! PTL!!

Praise: God’s faithfulness and provision; Trials that help the church to mature; Extra ministries

Prayer: Construction; Finances; Adults and Teens encouraged; Gospel outreach.
To hear about our Mexican citizenship application

In His Service,