July and August 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also. I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love.” II Corinthians 8:7-8

Anáhuac: We had a week of vacation Bible School, with an average attendance of 72. Several children made a profession of faith, and on the closing day 10 parents came out, and heard a clear presentation of the gospel. It was a blessing to have the three girls who attend Bible Institutes home for the summer, helping with the Bible School, special visits, etc.
We have made several hospital visits lately, visiting family of members of the church, and the Lord has allowed us to win several others that were in the same or adjoining rooms. Amen!
We celebrated 10 years since we started the “Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa”. Please pray that the Lord provides the national pastor that the church needs to allow us to go forward in our ministry, and start again in another place here in México.

Conferences: We have had the opportunity to preach in some other churches here in México this summer. One church invited us to preach to them on “the family.” It was a blessing to us, to see this Mexican church striving to fortify the family in these days of unfaithfulness.
In another church we preached their second annual mission conference. It was a 5 day conference, with a meal every night after the service. They would stay past 10 PM every day, but the attendance just kept increasing each day. On Sunday, the last day of the conference, they took up the Faith Promise commitments, and more than doubled the promise from the year before. It was exciting to see the people trusting in the Lord and accepting the challenge to increase their faith!

Youth Camp: We only took 6 teens to youth camp in July. With conflicting schedules, attitudes, and just general apathy attacking from all sides, several wouldn’t or couldn’t commit. The theme of the camp was, “Rompiendo Moldes” (breaking molds), dealing with spiritual warfare, and how to leave the past in the past. It was an excellent camp, with almost 200 in attendance, and most every teen making the decision to entrust their life to the Lord.

Personal: Our youngest, Bethany, came home for the summer to help us in the ministry, and was a big blessing to us and to the church. She has now gone back to Bible College to begin her second year.
We still have no news about our FM-2 work visas which have been in the renewal process for 7 months.

Prayer: Souls to be saved, and come to church; Bethany returning to school; Pastor for the church;  FM-2 visas

Praise: Souls saved; Good conferences and VBS, Decisions made at camp

In His Service,