January and February 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;” 2 Corinthians 5:18

Mission conference: The middle of January, the “Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa” had its annual Faith Promise Mission Conference, and it was a big success. Bro. Arnulfo Nieto, a Mexican missionary, preached exactly what our church needed. The promise was about what it was last year, but with the crisis, it is an increase. We had several lost visitors every night, and although none were saved, they heard the gospel. Amen!

February 13th: We had a special time for our couples, with a special dinner at a local restaurant. We invited another church to join us, and their pastor, Bro. Enrique Giesbrecht preached to us.

February 14th: Our teens invited the teens from all of the churches in the area to celebrate the love of Christ, and had 75 teens in attendance, and 3 saved. Amen!

Construction: A member of a church in Chihuahua donated his time and came over and laid the ceramic tile in the new auditorium. It really looks nice! We are now getting the inner dividing walls in for the bathrooms, nursery, office, etc. We would like to have the building useable before turning the church over to the new pastor.

Pastor: The church called the new pastor, the middle of February. We had prayed from the time we started the church, that God would give us the man who should pastor the church. We didn’t realize God’s will in the matter until we made our plans to take a survey trip to know where the Lord would have us go next. We heard about Bro. Gonzalo Garcia, who had taught in a Bible institute and worked in churches and an orphanage. He had never pastored, because he didn’t feel qualified until he was married. Two and a half years ago he got married, and the Lord led us to him through a mutual friend.
When we secure housing for their family and get them moved we will be turning the church over to them. Please pray for a smooth transition, and for the church to win souls, grow, and go forward for the Lord.

Visitors: We have visitors in the services most every week. Please pray for their salvation, and for those who get saved to follow in believer’s baptism.

Our Plans: Since our survey trip, we have been praying about several cities here in Mexico to know where to go and start another church. We will need to go on a furlough to raise more support, as we have lost some supporting churches due to the crisis, as well as everything is more expensive.
If you would like for us to be in your mission conference or to preach in your church, we will be available starting in July.

FM-2 Visas: Our Mexican work visas have been in the renewal process for some time, but we are seeing progress. Please pray that we will get them soon.

Prayer: People to be saved; Construction; New pastor & church to go forward; Our furlough, additional funds; Next place of service; FM-2 visas

Praise: People saved; Successful Mission Conference; New pastor; God’s faithfulness

In His Service,