March, April and May 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” Psalm 27:14

Anáhuac: On April fifth, The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa celebrated a long awaited day!
It was my last day as missionary/pastor, Bro. Gonzalo Garcia celebrated his first day as pastor, and the church ordained him into the gospel ministry. We dedicated the new auditorium to the Lord, had a special dinner followed by testimonies – which was a very emotional time for everyone and we finished the day by celebrating the Lord’s Supper and then turned the responsibilities of the church over to the new pastor.
We had been working on the construction of the new auditorium for nearly two years, as we were trying to build with only volunteers from the church. When we saw the possibility of the church calling a Mexican pastor, it was close enough to be able to get the new auditorium useable. Some men came out after work and on Saturdays to help get the building ready. The last Saturday before the big day, we had 24 people come out to help finish up last minute things and clean for Sunday. They still have several details to finish on the building, but the new pastor has plans and a desire to see it completed! The first building will be used for Sunday school classrooms for teens and children, and will serve as the kitchen and fellowship hall.
The new auditorium is really nice – to the honor and glory of God! They also now have a nursery, men’s and ladies bathrooms, an office for the pastor, and changing rooms for baptisms. There were over a hundred in attendance for the special day, with several visitors, and 2 saved. Praise the Lord – that is what it is all about!!

FM-2 Visas: After almost a year and a half, we still do not have our work visas! Please pray!!

Furlough: We have needed to leave for a furlough, but thought it best to wait on the Mexican government to get our FM-2 work visas approved, (the reason why this letter is a month overdue).
May first, Mexico’s Labor Day, through May fifth, another Mexican holiday, government offices were closed. Of course the swine flu scare came at the same time, and although there were no confirmed cases in Chihuahua, the government pushed for the shut-down of restaurants, businesses, as well as churches during that time. Now things seem to be back to normal and although we don’t have our visas, we are making furlough plans anyway. If you would like for us to be in your mission conference, or to preach some other time in your church, please let us know.

Family: Joshua, our third, will be getting married June 27th in OKC, so we are planning to be there. Of course we will have to come back to finish with our FM-2 visas when they are approved!

Prayer: The continued growth of the church in Anáhuac; Wisdom for Bro. Gonzalo and for the church to follow his leadership; Our furlough and next place of service; Our FM-2 Visas; Joshua’s wedding

Praise: Great day turning the church over to their new pastor, building dedication, etc…; God’s faithfulness in spite of the circumstances

In His Service,