June and July 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9

FM-2 Visas: After a year and a half since we started the renewal of our Mexican work visas, we finally have them in hand!! Thank you for your prayers concerning this matter.   We had come up to the United States for our son Joshua’s wedding, and to begin our furlough when we received word (a couple of weeks later) from Mexico City that they had finally been approved. After returning to Mexico, we turned the documents in to the Immigration office in Chihuahua City, and they got the visas prepared for us in just 3 days! Praise the Lord!

Anáhuac: When we went back to Mexico for our visas, we attended a service at the Precious Seed Baptist Church. Bro. Gonzalo seems to be doing well and the church is stable.
They took several teens to camp and many of them made life-changing decisions. The church had just completed Vacation Bible School, with a high of 136 and around 20 kids have continued coming to services, at least Sunday mornings. Amen!
It was a blessing to see things doing well!

Furlough: We’re getting a new video presentation made and are setting up meetings with our supporting churches. We also need to raise some additional support, to cover the additional expenses of moving and starting a new work. Please pray for us to know the Lord’s direction in relocating to another area of Mexico.

Family: Joshua and Kristin had a beautiful wedding on June 27! We have been able to spend a day here and there with each of our kids (and grandbabies) since we have been in the states. What a blessing!

Prayer: Our furlough, that we’d be a blessing to the churches, to win souls, to raise the additional funds needed to relocate, also for safety as we travel; The Lord’s direction as to where we should move and begin another church; The church in Anáhuac to grow and go forward; For us all to be found faithful until the Lord comes for us!

Praise: FM-2 Visas!!! Bro. Gonzalo & the church; God’s protection and provision in our travels

In His Service,