August and September 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

“…The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2

Furlough: Our furlough is under way, and we have seen repeated blessings of the Lord in our travels with safety and provision. We have also seen God’s presence in the meetings we have been in. It has been a blessing to report to churches that support us, as well as to be in some new churches.

We had the opportunity to preach and present our ministry in Spanish in a couple of churches that have ministries to Hispanics. What a blessing!

In another church I preached to the Jr. Church, and at the invitation, I asked for the children to raise their hand if they wanted to be saved. A dad, who had come in with his little girl, raised his hand. One of the workers asked if his daughter wanted to be saved, to which he responded, “No, I need to be saved!” Praise the Lord!

We left a gospel tract for our waitress in a restaurant, who upon finding it, ran out of the restaurant, into the store in front, to thank us for being concerned for her.

I was witnessing to a man from India, in a motel, and he was so concerned for America because they have so much, but appreciate it so little. He did not get saved but he listened.

Mission Conference: It was a blessing to attend the Mission Conference at our sending church. The emphasis was on Asia, and the tremendous need for new missionaries to surrender and go to countries that have very little gospel witness. Please pray for laborers!

Direction: We have been praying about the exact location where we should go to begin another work. We believe that God is leading us to the state of Sinaloa, Mexico.  Please pray for the Lord’s direction in our lives and ministry.

Prayer: Furlough and traveling safety; Lord’s direction in our lives

Praise: Souls saved; God’s provision

In His Service,