October and November 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1John 4:14

Holidays: We would like to take this opportunity to wish every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! A special thank you to those who gave special Christmas offerings!
We were blessed to be with some dear friends for Thanksgiving!
To be with friends and family on holidays and special occasions, are the things that a missionary cherishes most, as that is often not possible.
We are planning to be in Missouri with Connie’s family and Lord willing with all of our kids for Christmas. We are looking forward to making memories.

Furlough: The Lord has been so good to us in our travels. He has provided for our expenses, and has provided special places to “hang our hat” between meetings. He’s kept us safe from harm, blessed us with good health and has proven himself faithful in every situation.
We weren’t able to schedule meetings for some services, but we still had opportunity to present the work in México, and preach on those days.
We have been able to renew old acquaintances, some of which we hadn’t seen for many years, as well as meeting new people that God used to minister to us.
We are especially thankful for the opportunities we’ve had to testify for the Lord as we have traveled. We pray that the tracts and gospel witness will bring forth fruit.
Furlough phone – U.S. cell 915-497-0084

México: The Precious Seed Baptist Church in Anáhuac seems to be doing well since we turned it over to a Mexican pastor. They have invited us to come and preach their mission conference in January. We are sure looking forward to seeing the church, and being able to challenge them to greater involvement in home and world missions.
Please pray with us that our house in México will sell. Also pray for our housing and move to the west side of México.

Prayer Requests: Continued protection and provision; To be an encouragement to churches; Mission Conference in Anáhuac; House to sell; Housing and move

Praise: Great Thanksgiving; Provision and protection; People God used to minister to us; Opportunities to share the gospel; Good report from the church in Anáhuac

In His Service,