September and October 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” 1 Peter 1:7

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista “Semilla Preciosa” has been somewhat discouraged and not unlike other churches in these end days, quite apathetic. Many of our men are working 12-14 hours a day and put in a half a day on Saturday, due to the strained economy. Most of the teens are in school until 8 o’clock as well, so our midweek services and visitation have really taken a hit.
The spirit in the Sunday services has been improving, we are having some visitors, the attendance is picking up, and we have had people saved. AMEN!
We have restructured our Sunday School and are training some new people for teachers. They seem to be excited at the challenge.
We are just finishing a study of the book of Revelation and it is exciting to see that surely it will not be long before the Lord comes for us, but sobering to see the souls that still need to be won!

Construction: The construction has been slow due to the men working so many hours. We have the windows in, and are getting the building closed up. The church has been saving up to hire some of the work done so we should see better progress soon. The peso lost about 25% of its buying power this last month, so that will hurt us as well.

Survey Trip: We have been praying for the pastor that the Lord has for the church. Although we can’t leave until the church here has a pastor, we feel that we need to “get out of the boat”, and trust the Lord to provide, as well as show us where He would have us start another church.
In November, we are going to a few places in México where we have heard of a need for Bible preaching churches. Please pray for our safety as we travel, and for the Lord’s direction.
After planning the survey trip, we heard of a young couple that has been in the ministry for several years, who are now between ministries. We contacted them and they will be coming to fill the pulpit in our absence. Please pray for Gonzalo and his wife Adela, to know the Lord’s will for their lives and for the church in our absence.

FM-2’s: Our work visas have to be started over from scratch, but it appears that our ten years living in México will count in our favor. Please pray we get them soon.

Prayer: Unity of the church; Pastor for the church; Construction – provision; Our survey trip; FM-2 visas

Praise: Privilege to serve the Lord; Gonzalo and his family coming to fill the pulpit

In His Service,