May and June 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalms 43:5

México: When we left México on furlough, we left a lot of our household things packed and ready to move. With the uncertainty of our immediate future, in June we went down to México to move all of our things into storage, ready for when we are able to relocate to another area of México. While in México we had the opportunity to preach at the “Precious Seed Baptist Church” in Anáhuac where Bro. Gonzalo Garcia is pastor. We enjoyed seeing the folks there again and had a great time of fellowship. Some of the church families also invited us to eat with them and that was a blessing!

We also preached in three other churches on this trip, with several making decisions to serve God, one coming for salvation and another for assurance. Amen!

Our schedule didn’t permit us to attend the graduation of Gabi and Pati from Bible institute, but they have finished their formal studies, and have moved back to Anáhuac to finish their schooling with a year of service in their home church. Amen!

Health update: The doctor in Missouri referred Connie to a doctor who specializes in lymphoma, at the university hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. That doctor is recommending a very aggressive, extensive chemotherapy followed by a bone-marrow transplant.

During the time that we have been making preparations to begin treatment, Connie has been taking some natural supplements. She had another CT scan that has been sent to Nebraska to determine if the lymph nodes show any change. Connie continues to feel well and actually has more energy.

Praise the Lord! We continue to pray for healing and a complete recovery!

The financial part of all of this has been quite an ordeal. We didn’t have insurance coverage from a company in the U.S., but because we had maintained a policy in México, we were finally able to get coverage in the U.S., without any pre-existing exclusions. Praise the Lord!!!

We are still paying on the remaining $20,000 from the splenectomy, but we have two years to pay it without interest.
Thank you so much for the special love offerings and for your prayers and notes of encouragement!

30th Anniversary: May 23rd we celebrated 30 years as “Ron & Connie Winter”. God has been so good to us “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health”. He has blessed us with four children, three daughter-in-laws and two grandchildren.

The Lord has allowed us a fruitful ministry as missionaries for 23 years.

We are looking forward to being used of the Lord to glorify Him until He comes for us!!

Prayer Requests: Precious Seed Baptist Church & Pastor Gonzalo; Connie’s health

Praises: God’s continual provision and protection; People saved; Gabi & Pati graduation; Insurance; Privilege to serve the Lord; 30th anniversary

In His Service,