September and October 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 11:33, 36

Health Update: Connie is three-fourths of the way through her chemotherapy here in Omaha, NE. Her last treatment is scheduled for Friday November 26, the day after Thanksgiving.
She has done well and only had a few side effects the first couple of weeks. Overall she feels well, except for some fatigue. The Lord is so good!
We feel blessed that things have gone well, when so many others are quite sick with their treatment.
It is a lesson to us to serve the Lord to the best of our ability today because we don’t know what tomorrow might bring.
December 28 she will have another bone-marrow biopsy done and then an appointment with the doctor on January 4, to get the results of the biopsy, which will determine our next move.
Please pray that the treatments are effective. The doctor talks of remission, but we pray for complete healing. We are still praying that God will amaze everyone and that He will be glorified!

Ministry Opportunities: We pray before going for each treatment that God would lead us to the people we need to talk to or give a gospel tract to. Only one time a man refused to take a tract. Every time we go to the hospital, we meet people from all over the United States who don’t have the same hope that we have as God’s children. Please pray that the Lord would use us as we share the gospel with them.
Our heart’s desire is to be back in Mexico, establishing more churches. Until the Lord allows our return, we know that HE has a purpose and plan for us here.
We are trying to lend a hand at the Midlands Bible Baptist Church wherever we can. Pastor Lydick and the church have been such a help and encouragement during this time!
Please pray for Bro. Doug Taylor, assistant pastor here, who has had some major health issues.

Family: We have had visits from several of our family from CO, OK, and MO since we have been here. What a blessing!

Prayer: Connie – cancer treatments to be effective; For the Lord to be glorified now and in our future; People to be saved through our witness; Bro. Doug Taylor

Praise: Connie feels well; Visits from family; Opportunities to witness

In His Service,