November and December 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” II Corinthians 2:14.

Happy New Year! We trust you will have a wonderful new year and hope that all of you had a great Christmas, full of the blessings of God, spent with your families!!

Health Update: Connie finished her chemotherapy November 26, had another bone marrow biopsy December 28, and her follow-up doctor’s visit on January 4. The doctor said that the concentration of leukemia in the marrow had been around 80% before starting chemotherapy and that it had only come down to 70% after the chemo; not the results that we or the doctor had hoped for! The doctor wants to do monthly blood tests to monitor her white and red blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets.
Her blood counts first need to stabilize, and when the blood counts get out of the normal ranges again, or if she feels sick, they will consider a more aggressive chemotherapy.
Please pray for Connie to be healed in the Lord’s timing, and for His will to be done!

Ministry: We had anticipated better results with Connie’s health, so that we could make plans to go back to Mexico right away. Although we make plans, God’s ways are not always our ways! We just want to praise Him for His faithful presence, His love, His provision, and that He will still use us in spite of our circumstances! Blessed be the name of the Lord!!
While we are here, we continue to help Bro. Lydick and the Midlands Bible Baptist Church with whatever we can. We have also had the opportunity to preach in five different churches; presenting our work, filling the pulpit, and reporting back to supporting churches. Some other churches in the area want us to come, and we have a few more supporting churches to report to.
Please pray for us as we continue to witness and hand out tracts that the Lord would use us to reach more people with the gospel.
Although we don’t know when the Lord is coming for us, we pray that He will find us faithful!

Christmas: Between Connie’s last tests we were able to go to Oklahoma and Missouri to spend Christmas with our three boys, their wives, two granddaughters, our daughter and boyfriend, Connie’s sister and family; and with Connie’s parents. What a special Christmas!

Prayer: Connie’s further treatment and healing; God’s will for our lives and future; Opportunities to minister until we can return to Mexico; Souls to be saved; Continue praying for Bro. Doug Taylor

Praise: God’s goodness and faithfulness; Opportunities of service

In His Service,