January and February 2011

Dear Friends in Christ,

“For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.” II Corinthians 5:14,15

Ministry: Praise the Lord, we have been busy! Although we have not called for meetings, we have been in a couple of Mission Conferences, and still have more scheduled!

At one conference I had the privilege of teaching Sunday School and preaching in Spanish, and there was a teen saved in an English service. Amen!

I preached at two couples banquets, and filled the pulpit in some other churches.

Praise the Lord for His mercy, goodness, and grace, which would allow us not only to know Him but also to serve Him!

We continue to have many opportunities to hand out tracts and witness. Please pray in particular for Bruce, who allowed us to present the gospel to him, but because of his Church of Christ background he just wasn’t ready to accept Christ. He is very interested.

Health Update: Connie continues to feel well, but does get pretty tired. She had blood drawn the other day and the results are about the same as a month ago. Most of the counts are in the normal ranges, but there are still things that puzzle the doctor. Please pray for Gods healing and for Him to be glorified.

We also want to give an update concerning our financial status. Most of you know that when Connie had her spleen removed, it cost more than $45,000 and we didn’t have insurance. Many churches and individuals sent special love offerings to help. Thank you!! We have paid off the bulk of it and our monthly payments should have it completely paid off by the middle of 2012. Amen! The insurance we have now is paying 100% after the deductible was met. Praise the Lord, He is so good!!

Though we don’t know all of the reasons, we know that God has a purpose for allowing Connie to have leukemia, and for us being in Omaha temporarily. To God be the glory! We sure appreciate your prayers! We’re still praying that we can get back to Mexico soon.

Family: Bethany, our baby (almost 22), is engaged to Kyle Martin from Sarcoxie, Missouri. They will graduate from Heartland Baptist Bible College in May, and the wedding is set for June 18.

Please pray for our daughter-in-law, Shana, who is having problems with her third pregnancy.

Prayer:  Souls to be saved – Bruce; Connie – healing & God to be glorified; God’s will in our life & ministry; Bethany & Kyle; Shana & baby

Praise:  Ministry opportunities; Connie feeling well; God’s provision; Bethany engaged

In His Service,