September & October 2011

“For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.” Psalm 31:3

Southbound: We’ve been asking the Lord to allow us to go back to Mexico, and here we are! Amen! This was the first time we ever took a full year’s furlough, and then with the time that Connie was in treatment for leukemia, leaving friends and family in the U.S. was especially hard. We were able to spend a few days with my family in Colorado, Connie’s family in Missouri and
Oklahoma, and with each of our four kids and their families before heading down to Mexico. We also reported back to a couple more supporting churches, preached in a mission conference in Missouri and presented the ministry in a church in New Mexico on the trip down. God was so good to bring us back to Mexico with no problems!

Mexico: We arrived in time to celebrate Connie’s birthday, which she enjoyed! We have come back temporarily to the area where we last lived to get back into the Mexican culture and language. A lot has changed in Mexico since we left. We will be traveling out from here to look at other cities, as well as seeking council from other pastors and missionaries, to know what areas might be the best to go to, and that have the greatest need for the gospel. We are praying and fasting to know where the Lord would have us start another church. Please pray for God’s direction and our safety.

Anáhuac: We were encouraged by the unity of the Precious Seed Baptist Church that we started. The members kept preaching, teaching, giving and working together for several months without a pastor. Shortly before we got here, the church called their new pastor, Eduardo Orozco. The Sunday before their new pastor got here, the church allowed me to preach to them. I challenged them concerning their pastor and family, to encourage and help them, follow his leadership and pray for him to have wisdom to lead the church to move forward. The Orozcos are originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, and have been working with Missionary Jerry Collins in Los Mochis, Sinaloa for the last three years. We were able to help the church fix a few things on the house they are renting for them, as well as encourage this young family and get to know Eduardo, his wife Miriam and two small girls a little bit. They are talented; he plays several instruments, and she plays piano. This is his first pastorate, and they are excited to get into the work! Please pray for God’s blessings on the Orozcos and the church as they work together to reach this area for Christ!!

Contact Info: We can be reached in Mexico by our internet telephone or email. We won’t have an address in Mexico until we get moved to our new place of service.

Prayer: Connie’s health; Direction and safety; Precious Seed Baptist Church, Pastor Eduardo Orozco and family

Praise: Connie’s continued good health; Opportunities to serve; Safe travels; Faithfulness of the church in Anáhuac – new pastor

In His Service,