January & February 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalms 16:11

Los Mochis, Sinaloa: Missionary Jerry Collins felt the Lord leading them on to another ministry, and left the Fundamental Baptist Church in the hands of a pastor and assistant pastor, men from that church. We have prayed for some time as to the Lord’s direction for our lives, and one of the options, at least short-term, was to assist in the transition from Bro. Jerry to the new leadership of the church in Los Mochis. No matter how much a missionary prepares the people for his leaving, it still takes them a while to adjust. So we are here for a couple of months to help and encourage them in the transition.  We arrived to a very warm welcome from the church. They continue to run right around one-hundred fifty on Sundays and nearly a hundred for the other services.  Twenty-five came out for door knocking on Saturday. Amen! I’m teaching their Bible institute classes, and there were twenty in attendance last Tuesday. Then on Wednesdays I am preaching about the crowns that Christians can earn, to encourage them to be faithful and keep serving.  Connie has helped with the music, worked in the nursery and is a big help to me with office work. It is great to see God’s leading and blessings!

Supporting Churches: Our supporters have been so faithful, for which we want to thank you. Please know that we pray for each church and pastor regularly. If you have any special prayer requests, we would be honored if you would allow us to pray with you about your needs as well! A couple of supporting churches have called during their Wednesday night service to let us know they are praying for us. What a blessing and encouragement!! We do covet your prayers for our safety and God’s direction in our lives.

Health Update: Connie continues to feel well, and is scheduled to have blood tests done the middle of March. Please continue to pray for her health.

Family: On January ninth, Caleb Benjamin Winter came into this world. He is our first grandson; the first child of our third son Joshua and his wife Kristin. That makes four grandchildren, and counting? God is GREAT!

Prayer: Our time in Los Mochis to be fruitful; The church here to be strengthened and encouraged; Connie’s health & upcoming blood tests; Safety, and God’s direction in our lives

Praise: Opportunities of service; Blessings of the church here; Connie’s health; Grandson Caleb; Faithful supporters – encouragement

In His Service,