March & April 2012

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1:3

Los Mochis, Sinaloa: We went to help the Fundamental Baptist Church in transition to Mexican leadership. It was a huge blessing to get back into regular scheduled door knocking, preaching, teaching, music, etc. The church responded well, allowing us to minister to them, as well as loving and encouraging us. It was hard to leave them. In the Bible institute I taught on worship and the attributes of God. Many of the students told me that their prayer lives have changed as a result of putting what they learned into practice! Amen! One of the visits we made was a special blessing. I went with Bro. Roberto and his wife to visit her brother Enrique who had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He had never allowed anyone to witness to him before but because of the circumstances I was able to give him the gospel. When I asked him if he would like to trust the Lord, he immediately knelt on the floor. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he called on the Lord to be his Savior! Praise the Lord!!

Our Plans: We prayed about staying in or near Los Mochis to work out from there, but we believe the Lord would have us begin another work in the state of Chihuahua. Please pray for housing, for souls to be saved and men that we can train. We’re looking forward to what the Lord will do through us!

Connie – Hospital Bill: Connie had her quarterly blood test and all still appears to be normal. Amen! We have been paying almost $900 a month for the surgery Connie had before we had insurance. We were to have it paid off by this November, but the hospital gave us the opportunity of paying it off in April for a 25% discount. By adjusting our budget, we were able to take advantage of it! The money we were paying to the hospital every month can be used to get us back on budget.

FM–2 Visas: During the time Connie was in treatment in the U.S., we lost our work visas and had to start the whole process over. There have been several setbacks and new requirements. We need them by July to avoid problems with other legal documents. Please pray that we can get them soon.

Family: Our daughter Bethany and her husband Kyle Martin are expecting a baby in October! This will be our fifth grandbaby! Amen!

Prayer: Transition & leadership of church in Los Mochis; Enrique – cancer; Our direction & move; FM-2 Visas; Bethany and baby

Praise: Good response of church in Mochis; Enrique saved; Connie’s health; Hospital bill paid; News of grandbaby

In His Service,