May & June 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” Ps. 27:14

Camargo, Chihuahua: Since before returning from Sinaloa, we felt the Lord leading us to Camargo which is located about 6 ½ hours south of the El Paso/Juarez border. It is a city of 50 – 60,000 people, and although they have about every other religion, we don’t know of an Independent Baptist Church. Camargo is a farming community, raising mostly cattle and pecans, as well as many vegetables. It is very arid, with summer temperatures up to 115 degrees and down to freezing in the winter. We have been going down about every week looking for a house. In these rural cities they don’t advertised much, so we drove down nearly every street and put an ad on the radio. There just are not many houses for rent. God led us to a couple of realtors who have found a couple of possibilities, but haven’t been able to contact the owners yet. Pray we can find what the Lord wants for us, in His timing! We are “waiting on the Lord” but would sure like to get this move behind us. Please pray for housing, souls to be saved and for men that we can train. We’re looking forward to what the Lord will do through us in Camargo!

Ministry Opportunities: A pastor from Chihuahua who has family in Camargo introduced us to them. Some are already saved and seem glad that we want to start a church. We also witnessed to another man who is very interested and asked us to please look him up when we get moved. We are excited to have a few prospects to start with! In-between trips back and forth to Camargo, we have been getting vehicles ready, working on the house here, and studying to be ready to start another church, etc. I have had several opportunities to preach in some of the churches in this area. We also have a lot of opportunity to go door knocking and other activities with the church in Anáhuac. It is great to see the new pastor and church doing well!

FM-2 Visas: We have been working on our visas since the first of the year. All the documents have been in Mexico City since the first of May and we are still waiting. Please pray that we can get them soon, as we have other documents expiring soon that require our visas to renew them.

Health: Connie had blood tests done in June, and though slightly changed, they are still nothing to be concerned about. Praise the Lord! I had a molar cut out and am also getting natural treatment that should help the ringing in one ear.

Prayer: House, move & church in Camargo; Souls to be saved; FM-2 Visas; Connie’s health; My ear

Praise: Lord’s direction; Ministry opportunities; Souls saved; Connie’s health

In His Service,