July & August 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

…Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed… Isaiah 40:3 & 5

Camargo, Chihuahua: We found a house to rent! Four students from a Bible Institute in Hermosillo, Sonora, who were doing a summer internship in Anáhuac, helped us paint inside the house and move our things! Praise the Lord; they were a huge help and blessing! The house is only about 7 years old, but needs several things fixed which we will do a little at a time. There were no kitchen cabinets or closets; it was a blessing that our last house came with them. There is very little water and/or pressure, so we are trying to figure out the best method to increase that. We have an evaporative air conditioner, but we haven’t been able to get anyone to come and make the duct to put it on the roof, so the temperature inside the house is between 85 and 90 degrees. On one trip to Camargo the power steering on the van blew all the fluid out, though we just had it overhauled. We finally had to change the whole steering gear box. There have been a lot of expenses but we have been able to save up to cover most of them. Amen! More importantly, we have been encouraged by some who say they would like us to teach them the Bible! We are really praying that we can teach and win souls and for men that we can train to pastor and begin more churches.

Ministry Opportunities: The Precious Seed Baptist Church in Anáhuac recently celebrated its fourteenth anniversary. They have allowed me to preach every Sunday night and we have been door knocking with them every Saturday. It has been a special blessing to get to know Pastor Eduardo and his family better. The last Sunday we were in Anáhuac, the church had a going away service and dinner in our honor. It was a great time of fellowship and testimonies.  After the anniversary service we visited the Lazo family, our neighbors and good friends. We’d witnessed to them on several occasions and they had attended special services at our church, but
they never trusted the Lord. Before we left, I told them that they really need to be sure they are saved. Immediately Marta said she needed to be saved and wanted me to show her how. Luís said he just wasn’t ready yet. I couldn’t convince him otherwise, but Marta got saved! Amen!!

Visas: We were unable to get our FM-2 visas which later convert to permanent visas but were able to get FM-3 visas which have to be renewed every year. Not what we had hoped for, but Praise the Lord!

Health: Connie had blood tests again and all appears to be good. Keep praying for our continued good health!

Prayer: Getting house in order; Souls to be saved & church started; Luis Lazo, salvation; Good health

Praise: Housing; Ministry opportunities – Marta saved; Visas; Connie’s test results, Good health

In His Service,