September & October 2012

“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I Timothy 2:4

As we come into the Thanksgiving season, we are reminded of God’s goodness and for all we have to be thankful. For life, health, family, and most importantly His saving grace.

Camargo, Chihuahua: It is a blessing to be settled in the house! There are still things that need attention and we will continue making improvements as we can.
We have been making visits to people who have expressed an interest in studying with us. As we witness, we’re finding the religious community adapting the same vernacular as Bible believers. Many are convinced that they are trusting in Christ 100% for their salvation, although they still have images of saints and virgins in their houses and places of business. Please pray that the Lord would convict hearts as we knock their doors and that more and more will allow us to share the gospel with them. A few families and individuals have agreed to study the Bible with us. We plan to start next week. Some are still convinced that their religion is correct and that they are alright, but at least they seem willing to see what the Bible says. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give understanding, that people will be saved and then see the need to reach their own. We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do through us and with us in Camargo.

Family: Our daughter Bethany and her husband Kyle had their first baby, Gary Evan Martin born October 25. He is our fifth precious grandbaby! Our family is growing; we have twin grandbabies coming in April and another in May! God is so good!!

Praise: God’s protection and provision; Settled in house; Opportunity to start a new work; Healthy grandbaby

Prayer: Holy Spirit to give understanding and convict of sin as we teach His Word; People to be saved and to reach their own

In His Service,