November & December 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

“As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10,11

We hope that you enjoyed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years with family and friends. We trust that you will have a Happy New Year, filled with God’s blessings. Our prayer is that the Lord would find us faithfully serving Him when He comes! Thank you to all who sent Christmas greetings and to those who sent special Christmas offerings!!

Camargo: God has opened doors and we are having weekly Bible studies in 5 different homes, Amen! I teach the adults and teens and Connie teaches the children. We are averaging between 25-30 people in total. It is encouraging when they allow us to show them who God really is, and His desire for all mankind to be saved. It has been a blessing to see the one-on-one interaction. Mayra, a young mother was so proud of her first Bible, she wrote her name on the front cover, the date and from whom she had received it. Janet
said she had never had a Bible, and that her family wanted to know what it is to be a Christian. At first it is quite difficult for people to make time for God and His Word in their busy schedules as most work 6 days a week, some all 7, barely making enough to live. Please pray for Zeferino, who works at a gas station and wants his family to study but is struggling to set a time. We continue visiting and knocking doors, looking for people who would allow us to introduce them to the Saviour. Our goal is to see people saved and a strong church that reaches their own.

Health: Connie had blood tests done in December and they all came back in the normal ranges. It has been 2 years since her last chemo treatment, and though they say she still has leukemia, she feels well. Praise the Lord!

Holidays: We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas alone with turkey and all the trimmings, just smaller quantities. How wonderful to receive phone calls and skype (live video) from all of our family. We really feel spoiled with the technology that makes it possible to “be with family”, even when we are a country away! Connie shared some home-made treats with neighbors and the Bible study families; everyone seemed to enjoy them!

Prayer: More Bible studies; People to be saved; Wisdom starting the church; Zeferino – schedule; Continued good health

Praise: God giving His Son to redeem us; People whose lives God is allowing us to influence; Connie’s good test results; Holiday blessings

In His Service,