January & February 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. …evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;” II Timothy 3:1,13,14

Thank the Lord for the Word of God and His gospel and your prayers for us here in Camargo! Four Bible studies are still going every week and we are averaging a good number of folks in each. One was getting too large to meet in the home, so we rented a store-front building to meet in. Amen! The people are allowing us into their lives with the birth of babies, health needs, family problems and financial needs as we pray with and counsel them, showing them the love of Christ. Pray for Joel who has a cancer on his cheek that will be removed March 13. Also, pray for Janet and Manuel and their family as he works away and is home one week a month. Please pray for Jose’s family that just can’t or won’t find the time to study any more and also pray that God will lead us to more people to share the gospel with.

We had asked prayer for Zeferino to have time to study. We are now studying with him, his mother, his brother and a niece and nephew. Please pray for his family as he and his wife are separated.

Satan of course is fighting as well. The first time we met in the store-front; instead of having 20 people for the big Bible study, we had about half of the normal attendance. Lord willing the others will come back and continue. They all seem excited to study!   We went for a regular scheduled Bible study with a young couple, Mauricio and Rayna, and someone in the family had allowed Pentecostals into the house with their big speakers and commotion. Everybody was wailing, and moaning and just a big mess of emotions (we thought someone had died). They were putting hands on people and when they fell back they caught them. Excusing ourselves, Mauricio told us how sorry he was and that he just didn’t “feel anything” with them and we were able to tell him that it is not about a feeling, rather a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Many people who will allow us to teach them the Bible will also let just about any religion in to talk to them as well, because they have no peace with their religion and having tried them all, (except the truth), are simply confused! After studying with some of these people for several weeks, they still struggle with the exclusive superiority of the God of the Bible, making comments like, “The gods of all the religions are one and the same God.” Please pray for wisdom that we will know how to deal with these situations, and especially for the convicting presence of the Holy Spirit, that He would turn these people’s confidence to the Bible and Jesus Christ alone to be saved!

Prayer: Holy Spirit to convict and give understanding of the Bible; Souls to be saved; More who would allow us to present the gospel; Joel; Janet’s family; Jose’s family; Zeferino’s family; Mauricio & Rayna

Praise: Rental of store-front; Bible study with Zeferino; Opportunity to share the gospel

In His Service,