March & April 2013

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.” I Timothy 1:15-16

Camargo: Camargo is an agricultural community. The vast majority of the people earn a living, (if you would call it that – taking home around $10 dollars a day) planting, weeding, and picking, in fields of all types of vegetables. They are still in a severe drought here and the water in the irrigation reservoir is so low they are not able to plant all they used to, which makes jobs scarce. With the economy as it is, they work whenever they can. Although we are having good Bible studies each week, it becomes challenging to work around schedules.
Please pray for Amalio, who is on a waiting list for a kidney. He has lost his ability to speak; having reacted to some medication they gave him.
Continue to pray for Joel, as he will have more surgery in June, to remove the cancer in his cheek.
We just started a new study with Victor and Raquel. He works in a mine in the mountains, so is gone a month and back here one week. It is difficult for them to maintain a schedule to study, with the needs of the family and friends who draw them away from God. They just need the Lord.
We are starting a new study with an elderly neighbor couple, Manuel and Rosa. He reads his Bible and really wants to study, but she really thinks her church is enough. Please pray for his health and that they get saved.
Mirta, from whom we rent the store-front, is already saved, and attends very faithfully. Her mother says she wants to study the Bible; pray for her.
There is so much to be done here!

Family: Proverbs 17:6 says, “Children’s children are the crown of old men…”
Kade Lee and Khloe Lyric, a double blessing, were born April 9, the first for our oldest son Seth and Ashley.
Our son, Andrew and Shana had their 4 weeks premature, and is in the NICU for now. We pray she will be able to come home soon.
Our son, Joshua and Kristin are having another boy the end of May.
That will give us 9 grandbabies! Praise the Lord for His blessings; lots for “Grandad and Mema” to pray for!

Praise: Good Bible Studies; Mirta; New grandbabies

Prayer: Souls saved; Amalio; Joel; Victor & Raquel; Manuel & Rosa; Mirta’s mom; Josie Lynn

In His Service,