May & June 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalms 106:1

Camargo: The Bible studies continue to go well. As in any teaching situation, some of the students have more of a desire to learn than others. We are looking forward to joining the different Bible study families together to form a church and are praying for wisdom and the timing of that. In our last letter we asked prayer for Amalio who was waiting for a kidney but he recently passed away. We do not know for sure if he was saved. We continue studying with his family, Zeferino and Rosa. Anzelmo and Lina have also been studying for a few weeks now. Joel had another doctor visit for the cancer on his cheek, but they just told him to wait. He is seeking a second opinion. When Victor comes home from the mine, he gets drunk, so we are just trying to reach his wife, Raquel and family and work with him whenever we can. He seems to know he needs help. Manuel and Rosa have not been able to study as his health has been bad, but he assures me that in a week he will be ready. Jesús and Maxi are to begin studying this week, along with some of their grown  children and their families. Raul and his family have been very faithful studying with us, but now they are having some marital problems. Satan is alive and well. Please pray for each of these families that the Holy Spirit would do what only He can do; first, to convict of sin and draw people to the Lord, and also renew their bodies and minds according to His will.

Health: Connie just had her quarterly blood tests and everything still looks good. Amen!

Visas: Actually no longer called “visas”, our “Temporary Residence” permits are in renewal and for the first time ever, will supposedly last for 3 years, but at a cost of about  $1,650 dollars. Please pray that we can get them quickly.

Family: Joshua and Kristin had their second boy, Elijah David, on May 20. Although we don’t like being apart, we were glad that Connie could be in the states for a short time to help each of the kids. All 9 of our grandbabies are doing well now, praise the Lord!

Praise: Good Bible Studies; Health; Grandbabies

Prayer: People to understand and be saved; Wisdom; Bible Studies; Joel & Manuel – health; Visas

In His Service,