July & August 2013

Dear Friends in Christ, July & August 2013

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” John 15:16

Camargo: The “summer slump” hit us hard, with the jalapeño, oregano, and soon pecan and onion harvests, people changing jobs, illnesses etc. It seems like some weeks we take 1 step forward and 2 back. Of course, we know Satan doesn’t want people to be saved and living for the Lord.

We’re keeping up with seven Bible Studies (with more than one family in some) and these people are asking a lot more questions as they understand that many of their past beliefs are invalid, and that the Bible is the only authority. We plan to join them together as soon as the Lord allows.

Eliseo Ruiz and several of his grown kids and families have been studying with us. Pray that those who are not saved will be, and that they all learn to forgive one another (though that is not the culture here). Raul and his “wife” and two kids are back together. So many couples here are just living together. When they introduce their “wife”, some then say they are not really married. So at least, there is some sense of right and wrong.

Jesús Rojas and Maxi and some of their kids and families really seem to want to study the Bible but due to illnesses, 2 new babies, and changing work schedules, they still haven’t been able to. We had been teaching one son, Victor and his family. He doesn’t touch a drop of alcohol for 2 weeks away at work but as soon as he gets home he gets completely smashed, so he hasn’t been studying lately.  Please pray for the Rojas families to come to the Lord.

It doesn’t appear that Rosa will allow Manuel to study, as their traditions are so “sacred”. Religion is probably one of Satan’s greatest tools.  The Holy Spirit continually amazes us by bringing people to Bible studies and speaking to them through His Word. Adrián, a young man who had studied with the Jehovah’s Witnesses wanted to derail one study by denying the deity of Christ with 3 verses taken out of context. After seeing at least 20 verses that directly or indirectly verified that basic Bible doctrine, he wanted to listen. Pray that we can continue to study with him and another new family, Juan and Leticia.

Visas: Our work permits were renewed in a record 6 weeks from start to finish. We won’t have to renew them now for 3 years and then they are to become permanent. Praise the Lord!

Praise: Working of the Holy Spirit; Word of God; Work permits in hand; Privilege to serve God

Prayer: Power of the Holy Spirit; Safety; Rojas families; Ruiz families; Starting the church;

Couples to get married and do right; Adrián, Juan & Leticia to continue studying

In His Service,