September & October 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”  John 5:39

Camargo: We are seeing fruit from the Bible studies, with 10 adults and teens saved in the last month.   Others that we have studied with have given us a good testimony of their salvation but have been away from the Lord too long. Besides those who were saved, some have reaffirmed their faith in Christ and others are learning of the security of the believer. Amen!  We joined the different Bible studies together, and have had attendances in the 30’s in the services of “Iglesia Biblica Bautista”!! Many others have promised they would come, but so far the people in the services are those who have studied with us. Six families continue with Bible studies and more are pending.

We asked prayer for the Ruiz family; father and 10 grown children, 8 of which live here in Camargo.  Eliseo had a car accident and because he didn’t have insurance, they put him in jail until he could pay the damages. All 10 of his kids came to his rescue and paid to get him out. For the first service, 4 of the kids and families came and by our second service, after the accident, Eliseo and 6 of his kids and their families have come. God works in mysterious ways! (The other 2 sons here go to another church.) Continue praying for the salvation of all the Ruiz family.

A few months ago, after witnessing to a young couple, Pablo and Joana, it seemed they were so Catholic they would never accept God’s Word as the final authority. Every question they asked was given a biblical answer from their own bible. The Lord brought Pablo across my path again this week, and the first thing he asked was, “Where is your church? I’ve been thinking about what you said”.  Pray we can reach them.

Daniel, a neighbor who had never acted interested in the Bible, came over to use our microwave as theirs just broke. He asked what kind of church ours was and I told him we only teach the Bible. His mother-in-law had just visited, gave them a Bible and told them to find a church that teaches the Bible! Although they haven’t been able to come yet, they assure me they will soon.

We had asked prayer for the Rojas family and some of them are coming, as well as Juan & Leticia.  Please pray with us that in His timing, the Lord would provide the workers and Mexican pastor and family that this church needs.

Health: Praise the Lord, Connie had good results from her blood test in October!

Praise: People saved; Iglesia Biblica Bautista started; Ruiz family; Connie’s health

Prayer: Church services; Bible studies; Salvation of Ruiz family, Pablo & Joana, Daniel & family;   Rojas family and others; Workers and pastor

In His Service,