January & February 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”  1 Corinthians 1:9

Camargo: We have been enjoying unusual 70-80 degree temperatures for about a month. The pecan harvest finished in December and from then until spring planting, there isn’t much work.  Some Christmas gifts were donated to the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista and earlier this month, we had a special kid’s program with songs, illustrated lessons and the teens helped with puppets. Everyone enjoyed the special combined service and several heard the gospel for the first time! We had our highest attendance; with a total of 45 and 25 were children. The following week we had 39 and Connie had 18 kids in her class (10 yrs. and under). Amen!  Some of the church people have been inviting folks. As a result, José and Elizabet recently came. He has been out of work for 7 months and battles with depression. They tried to convince me they knew the Lord because they were religious and had been seeking God. I asked them when they had been saved but they didn’t know what that meant. It reminded me of 38 years ago, when I thought I was a Christian but hadn’t heard the term “saved”. I had been raised in a moral, dedicated “religious” home and knew about the Lord, but I didn’t know the Lord; I had never been saved. Please pray for José, Elizabet and their family to be saved.  Pray for the salvation of Jesús and Mónica, Alma (19), Chumel (15) and his pregnant “wife”, Erica. Though Catholic, they have been faithful to study at home but haven’t come to church services yet.  Eight year old José first came to church with a friend. He lives with his grandma Elena, who has terminal cancer. Vanesa, her daughter in law, has come and is bringing other family members to church. Pray for these families’ health and salvation. Juan, Leticia and daughter Diana accepted Christ! Amen! Sadly; they recently had to move away.  Please continue praying for Daniel and Andrea who are expecting their third child in April. They started studying because of her parent’s insistence but because of his work, haven’t been able to study or come to church for weeks. The Pemex ammonia factory where he works should be back up and operational by sometime in March so hopefully they will be able to resume studying soon.  We have been praying that the Lord would send or raise up out of our midst, the man He wants to pastor the church here. We are also praying for teachers and workers.

Blessings: The Lord provided a ’03 Sport Trac to replace a ’91 Explorer with almost 400,000 miles, which another missionary had given us 10 years ago. We were able to give the Explorer which still ran great, to the pastor of the church in Anáhuac. We were also able to get a small car for another pastor. Then our laptop crashed! We found another one through a Christian friend here in Mexico, who was going to give us a 200 dollar discount. When we picked it up, he told us that Jesus had already paid it! You just can’t out give God! Amen!!

Praise: People saved; Kid’s program; Vehicles and Computer the Lord provided

Prayer: Pastor/Workers; Salvation: José/Elizabet, Jesús/Mónica & fam., Elena, José, Vanesa & fam.,  Daniel/Andréa & fam.

In His Service,