March & April 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23

Camargo: Services of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista continue well with frequent visitors. Attendances have been in the mid 20’s both on Sundays and Thursdays, often with more on Thursday. We had our first missionary last Sunday with a dinner after the service. We always knew we would have a good number if everyone came at the same time and we found out in that service, with our highest attendance of 60! Amen! We are teaching a discipleship series on Thursdays and it is great when people see what God expects from them! We continue with in-home Bible studies. It is such a blessing when they begin to read the Bible and see themselves and God in a whole new light! One teen and his 10 year old brother were saved this last week as a result of the studies! Amen! Karla and her 2 little girls attend faithfully and are such a blessing as she really wants to know the truth! None of her own family is here in Camargo and her husband and mother in law continually attack her for allowing those “Protestants” to corrupt the little girls. Pray that she can stand up to the attacks and insults and be a right testimony, so that her husband, Ulyses and family would be saved. José, who had been out of work, is now working out of town, so he and Eliza study with us when he comes home. They have sure been having problems, which is probably God working to bring them to Himself. Because of not having work so long, they sold everything of value and downgraded their car, just to feed the family. Three year old Cristina drank something and had to have her stomach pumped; they got hit by a drunk driver but fortunately weren’t hurt. His mother blames all of their problems on their leaving the Catholic faith. Please pray they will be saved soon.

Fellowship: Pastor Eduardo and his family and church from Anáhuac brought 27 for a couple of days during Easter week. It was great to see some of the folks from the church we started and for our people here to see a functioning church and what they might expect of their church. Bro. Eduardo and I both preached to the combined group of 47. Those from Anáhuac seemed encouraged by what God is doing here in Camargo.

Health: Connie’s blood counts have changed some but the Dr. says they are still fine.

Praise: Attendances; Boys saved; Great time with Anáhuac/Camargo churches; Connie’s blood tests

Prayer: People to be saved; Continued church growth; Karla & Ulyses; José & Eliza

In His Service,