May & June 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is staying fairly consistent in attendances but also experiencing its share of growing pains. We have some new people studying and attending services, while others don’t want to stay committed. The economy has been real bad, so some have had to look for work away, although others are starting to work in the fields with jalapeños etc.

Connie had a special time of recognition for the kids in her class who had taken a test on the first four chapters of the book of John. It was exciting for kids and parents alike to see some immediate fruit from their faithfulness.

We continue to have visitors and recently a family of five visited, who seem very interested in the church. Pray for God’s will for the Chavira family. We have been distributing tracts, witnessing and praying with people at a hospital just one block from where the church meets. There is a continual flow of different people who have health needs that cause them to think more about eternity.

Please pray for two couples, José & Eliza and Chumel & Erica. They need to see Christ as the only real Saviour and haven’t been able to see that the virgin of Guadalupe is an artificial substitute for the real thing. Pray they will get past this obstacle and trust Christ with all their heart.

We led a man to the Lord after he was deported from the U.S. He has never missed a service, but his wife, and 4 kids who were born in the U.S. are still there, so naturally he wants to be reunited with them.

El Paso, TX: The Bearing Precious Seed ministry hosted a hundred men from our sending church who worked on the property. They also taught sessions pertinent to men and took evangelistic trips into Juarez. We were able to be there for three days to know more of the men from our church and help them on the evangelistic trips. It was a great time of fellowship and spiritual recommitment, and many people in Mexico heard the gospel. Amen!

Praise: People saved; Visitors; Connie’s class; Evangelism opportunities; Great 100 men retreat

Prayer: Iglesia Bíblica Bautista; People to be faithful; People to be saved; José & Eliza, Chumel & Erica; God’s will for deported man & family

In His Service,