July & August 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is realizing the blessings of the Lord with frequent visitors. We went through a summer-time slump because there was work in the fields and
in construction. It looks like when the economy is better and there is work, the church will suffer until we can train people to be faithful and trust in God’s faithfulness.  We have been trying to reach Eliza and her husband José. Her sister, Liliana lost one of her twin baby girls and was afraid her baby was in hell because she had not been “baptized”. Her faith in the catholic system was shaken when they wouldn’t come and baptize the baby. She saw from the Bible the fallacy of infant baptism because understanding and salvation always precede real baptism. She wanted to know why they practice idolatry when even their Bible condemns it. Pray she will trust in Christ alone.  Five more have been saved in Bible studies and are learning the importance of church attendance. Amen! Some families have been visiting who were disillusioned in the church they attended. We are teaching Baptist distinctives, so some of these and those recently saved are seeing the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice. As we teach on baptism and the local church, some are asking questions about church membership, while others are still observing.

Health: Four years ago, Connie was diagnosed and went through treatment for leukemia. She has felt well except for a gradual lack of energy. When she had her quarterly blood tests, the numbers had changed significantly. The doctor is concerned with her fatigue and blood counts, so she will have blood tests more frequently. Please pray for wisdom and especially healing.

Family: Our oldest son, Seth, and family are finally in their house after it was badly damaged by the May 20th tornado in Moore, OK over a year ago. Amen! Our daughter, Bethany, and her husband Kyle are expecting their second boy by the first of the year. (We love those grand babies!)

Praise: Souls saved; Visitors; Seth & family in their house; Bethany expecting

Prayer: Iglesia Bíblica Bautista & God’s will for the visitors

In His Service,