September & October 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:” Philippians 3:20

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista celebrated its first anniversary since we joined the various Bible studies together. At the service, 10 were baptized, 6 joined the church by letter, with a total of 52 in attendance. Amen!! We delegated responsibilities to different ladies and had a nice dinner and cake for the celebration as well. It was a wonderful day!!

We had a special work day preparing for the anniversary Sunday and several helped. Some even saw to little details and decorated the front of the auditorium. A week after the big day, the ladies asked if they could have a surprise party for Connie’s birthday. What a blessing!

Connie and the ladies had a baby shower for Perla last month with 16 ladies in attendance. Two and a half weeks later, while getting ready to come to church, Perla fell face first onto the ceramic tile floor. She went to the hospital and although she missed the anniversary celebration, she had the baby a week early. Both Perla and little Dilan are doing well now. Praise the Lord!

It is encouraging to see spiritual growth in the children’s class with their study through the book of John. Every few weeks, Connie has a test and prizes for their participation. We also decided to challenge the adults, so we had a competition for the whole church, reciting the books of the Bible. The winner received a new Bible!

More of the Church is putting tithing to the test. It is a blessing for the offerings to improve but most of their tithes are from $5 to $10 dollars per week, so the real blessing is seeing their faith increase. We’ve had 6 more saved since we last wrote. Amen!

Please keep praying for José and Eliza. They continue to have many problems, but can’t understand that they just need to be saved once and for all and let God work out the rest.

Pancho and Brenda lost their first baby a month before it was due. They had been in a different church and are convinced that baptism saves you. They have come to our services some but still have not received Christ. Pray they will be saved soon.

Anzelmo is saved and very faithful and though his wife Lina comes some, neither he nor I think she is saved. It doesn’t appear that any of their children or grandkids are saved. Pray for their salvation.

Several are working in the pecan harvest and processing, so are not faithful to the services.  Hopefully that improves, but soon there will be no work for many, with fall and winter coming on.

Health: When we last wrote, Connie’s blood counts had changed significantly. Since then, she went to a nutritional doctor who did tests to see what her body was deficient of. Besides putting her on a very difficult sugar-free, starch-free diet, she is taking food supplements that her body is lacking. A couple of months into this treatment, the counts have improved a little but not what we had hoped for. She still gets fatigued, but it’s not constant. Please keep praying!

Praise: Great anniversary celebration; People saved, baptized & joined; Perla & Dilan fine; Spiritual growth; Offerings and faith

Prayer: People to be saved – Jose & Eliza, Pancho & Brenda, Lina & fam.; Connie’s health

In His Service,