March & April 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Camargo: The ongoing “Every Creature Campaign” to get a John and Romans into every home, is going well. Some who started knocking doors with us have slacked off but we still have 5-9 that go out every week. We haven’t seen any direct results yet, though we have had opportunity to witness to some. One woman wouldn’t answer the door, so we left a J&R. She opened the door and threw it out in the street shouting, “We are catholic and don’t want anything to do with your cult”. Most people are kind when they receive the J&R and we often see them reading it or our tract!

The catholics even have “bible studies” but we know God will bless those who worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH, and God’s Word will not return unto Him void! We continue to have opportunities to present the plan of salvation, some making professions of faith.

The attendance of Iglesia Bíblica Bautista has been in the thirties and we continue having first time visitors. Some who had fallen away are coming back and yet others, whose lives are miserable, know they need to be in church but find too many excuses.

Eliza and 3 kids have been coming back. She knows she needs to be saved but her husband José made a pact with “the virgin” and until he can make good on that, won’t get saved and neither has she.

Pray for Pedro, Lupita and their 23 year old daughter Paulina who are saved and really have a lot of potential but need to get into church.

Sergio invited me to his house and a week later he had read Genesis from a catholic bible he downloaded on his phone. He really wants to know the truth. Pray for him and his family to be saved.

On the “Day of the Child”, April 30, we had 46; half of which were children, with several first time visitors. Several children as well as some parents and grandparents called on the Lord to save them!

Connie has begun discipling a couple of ladies who are excited to learn and be able to teach others.

Building: We had asked prayer and help to possibly buy an existing building. The $60,000 asking price is already half of what it is worth but they haven’t been able to sell it. Our prayer is that they would accept an offer of $40,000. We have or have promised $16,225. As the Lord said in Jeremiah, “Is there anything too hard for me?” Please continue to pray with us for God’s will.

Family: Connie’s blood counts had been improving significantly but the last counts were quite a bit worse. The doctor changed her back to the previous regimen of supplements. Please continue to pray for her to feel well and to not require more invasive treatments.

For the first time since we have been in Camargo, we have family coming to visit! Joshua, Kristin and 2 of our grandsons are coming down for the week of Mother’s Day. We are so blessed!!

Praise: Privilege to serve the Lord; Souls saved; Discipleship; Family – visit

Prayer: Outreach & souls saved; Saved to get into church; Church building; Connie’s health

In His Service,