July & August 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2 Corinthians 4:3,4

Camargo: Attendances of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista have picked up some. We run a van route here in the city and to two different villages. Some have made professions of faith and we have visitors in most services. There are several faithful families but a few find it difficult to commit to baptism and/or church membership, so there are those who just want to attend. Pray for stability and faithfulness.

We are still working to get a John and Romans into every house. Our prayer is that they will be read and that people will seek the Lord.

Alicia just joined after attending for some time. She was saved and baptized in an Independent Baptist Church in another city. Connie is discipling Alicia and Karla who are both excited to be in church and serving in any way they can. Amen!

I am discipling Armando and Rebeca after Armando trusted the Lord. Rebeca was saved about a year ago in Chihuahua City, shortly after the death of one of their newborn twin boys. Their parents and family thought they were helping them by separating this married couple! Eight months later, they are trying to get back together, contrary to the wishes of their families. Pray for them and their 2 kids.

Connie and the ladies had a baby shower for Milka who just delivered the first of September. Pray for her and her 4 kids to be faithful to services and for her husband José Luis to be saved.

Building: We made an offer on the building for the church but the owner said we would have to come up closer to the asking price. Before we could get more money raised, he decided to turn it into a mini-mall-market. We have been praying the Lord’s will be done, so we are looking for the land or building He wants us to have, in His timing. The money that was sent is in an escrow account until such time.

Anáhuac: We took 13 people to the Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa, the church we started in Anáhuac. I preached their conference on the family, for their seventeenth anniversary. It was a real blessing for our folks to see a functioning church.

Health: Connie had a couple more blood tests and although the counts have improved, they are still not where they should be! She continues to feel well but fatigues easily. Please keep praying!

Family: Thank you for praying for two of our sons to find employment. The Lord has really blessed them with good jobs!

Praise: Alicia joined; Discipleships; Conference in Anáhuac; Connie’s health; Sons’ jobs

Prayer: People to be saved, baptized and faithful; John/Romans distribution; Armando & Rebeca – marriage & fam.; Milka faithful, José Luis to be saved; Building–God’s will, Connie’s health

In His Service,