September & October 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2

Camargo: We have been running in the 30’s and 40’s in most of our Sunday services, with visitors most every service. Many of the Thursday services run in the 20’s.

There are opportunities to present the Gospel and a few call on the Lord to be their Savior. Three men from southern Mexico had tried to cross illegally to the U.S. but were turned back. After walking and hitching rides 4 days, they arrived in Camargo. They had heard some of the Gospel and after this humbling experience were anxious to call on the Lord and trust Him as Savior. They are in another city near here trying to make enough money to get back to their wives and kids and almost every week one of them texts me with updates.

We are always amazed when people have attended a “church” for years but were never saved; only “baptized”. I led Pancho to the Lord several months ago and now his wife Brenda admits she was never really saved. Please pray we will have people genuinely saved, then baptized.

The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista celebrated its second anniversary the last Sunday of October. We had a record attendance of 69. Juan and his wife and 3 kids came for the first time. He said he had been in the U.S., attended a church and was baptized. Please pray for their salvation. On our anniversary Sunday, the ladies also honored Connie for her birthday. They had a small gift and greeted her with hugs and well wishes. It was a great blessing to her!

Ojinaga, Chih.: I filled the pulpit (in Sept.) for Bro. Henry Giesbrecht and his family. Connie also took the kid’s class. It was a real blessing for us to see what the Lord is doing in a very hard, hot city just across the river from Presidio, TX, very much in need of a good Bible preaching church.

Health: Working in another language, I often can’t make out what people are saying, even reading lips. After a hearing test, they recommended a hearing aid in one ear, so we will see if it helps. Does that make me old? Also, I have needed to get a hernia fixed for some time, so I had that surgery last week, using a Mexican doctor, hospital and insurance. Pray for a quick recovery.

Connie’s blood counts are still not what they should be; when the white counts are better, the platelets are not or visa versa. She continues with diet and supplements. Please pray for her.

Family: Andrew, our second son came to visit us for a few days and plans to come back with his family for Christmas. We are looking forward to their visit!!

Connie’s parents, James and Madelyn Carroll came for Connie’s birthday and our church anniversary. They also celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary while they were here! What a blessing!

Praise: People saved; Visitors; Great anniversary; Church’s kindness to us; Preaching opportunities; Visits from family

Prayer: People to be saved, baptized, join church; Faithfulness; Surgery recovery; Connie’s health

In His Service,