May and June 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“…praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” Colossians 4:3,4

Anáhuac: The “Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa” is seeing the blessings of God in spite of the obstacles and opposition that Satan has put in our way. We are having more people come out for visitation, and have had more visitors lately.
We took 12 people to a graduation fellowship in San Pedro de Las Colonias, Coahuila. The theme was “Reviving the Fire”. The preaching was great, just what we needed, and each one came home encouraged and enthused.
Our assistant, Otoniel and his wife, who had completed their year of service here with us, also received their diplomas. We encouraged them to stay and work with us, as they need the experience, and we need the help. They thought they would stay, but now feel they should work in another church.
Keep praying for the Mexican pastor that the church here needs to lead them forward.

Construction: The new auditorium is going up slowly but surely, with our men coming out to work when they can. We now have the entire roof on and front sidewalk in, and are ready for the windows and doors. Then we can start finishing inside walls, etc. Please pray for the funds so we can get in it soon.

Evangelism: Bearing Precious Seed International in El Paso brought down a group from Kansas to have evangelistic meetings. We were in three different places in the evenings, and preached in the central plaza in Cuauhtémoc in the afternoons. In the mornings, they assembled personalized John & Romans for soul winning. Several people made a profession of faith, and we are following up on all that we have names and addresses for.

Mother’s and Father’s Day: We had special services to honor the parents present in the services on their respective days, with a nice dinner. The teen girls made something special for each one of them.

Personal: Our FM-2 work visas have been in the renewal process for 5 months, pray that they come soon.
Bethany our youngest came home from Bible College to help us for the summer. Amen!
We still believe that the Lord wants us to move and start another work here in Mexico. We don’t know when or where, and don’t feel able to move forward until the Lord provides a pastor to leave the church with. Please pray for us.
FM-2 Visas: We haven’t heard anything from our work visas. Pray that they come soon.

Prayer: Pastor for the church; Construction; Souls to be saved; FM-2 visas; The Lord’s direction in our lives; Power of God; Bethany back to school in Aug.

Praise: Souls saved; The Lord’s blessings and faithfulness; Special days; Bethany home for summer

In His Service,