March and April 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself. So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.” Psalms 80:17-18

Anáhuac: Otoniel and his family came to work with us for their one year of service required for graduation from a Bible institute here in Mexico. He and his wife recently met with the pulpit committee, and the committee and I recommended Otoniel to the church as pastor. The church voted the next Sunday, but he did not receive the necessary percentage of votes.
It came as a shock to us, as we were sure that this was the will of God for the church.
Please pray for wisdom in this situation.
Also, pray for Otoniel and his family as they seek the Lord’s will for their lives.

Construction: A church from Chihuahua City came over two different Saturdays to help us put the concrete floor in our new auditorium. Amen!
We also have half of the insulation and roofing metal on as well. It is hard to find times when several of our men can come to work at the same time, so the progress is slow.
The Lord continues to supply funds from our people, as well as special offerings that have come in. Amen!

Camp: We took 15 teens to our annual spring camp the week after Easter. The theme of the camp was “Prepared unto Every Good Work” (II Tim 2:20-22). Most of our teens seemed changed and committed to have a right attitude at home, school, and church.

Día del Niño: April 30 is the “Day of the Child” here in Mexico. Our folks invited children and parents and celebrated with a special service for the children the Sunday before. The teens presented a special puppet show, songs, and had cake and ice-cream. Many new children came besides the regular attendance, and two young couples came with their children for the first time. No one was saved but several more people heard the gospel.

FM-2 Visas: We haven’t heard anything from our work visas. Pray that they come soon.

Prayer: Unity in the church and wisdom; Pastor for the church; Work visas; Otoniel and family

Praise: The Lord’s faithfulness, provision and continued presence; Day of the Child;
Progress on the construction; Camp

In His Service,