January and February 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1 Peter 3:15

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa had its Faith Promise Mission Conference in January.
The church has been supporting five missionaries and two Bible Institutes here in Mexico at $50 per month. With the new promise, we should be able to do a little more than last year. For most, it is a real step of faith to trust the Lord for what they don’t readily have.
Our annual sweetheart banquet was well attended and Bro. Otoniel brought a timely message, challenging couples to love one another in the love of Christ.
We took 22 from our church to a fellowship at a church in Chihuahua City, about an hour and a half from here. It was a great example for our folks to see that church open their doors and hearts to receive us. The theme was “Crisis in the Family” and every message was a blessing.
Through the visitation and ministries of the church we’ve seen eight people come to know the Lord, as well as others that our people have won on their own.

Construction: We are getting the roof on the new auditorium. We had a great turnout of men and teen boys for the last work day.
There is a contractor in the church in Chihuahua City that wants to bring several of their men and teens to help us put the concrete floor in. We hope to have the first half done this week. Amen!!

Assistant Pastor: Otoniel and his family came last June to fulfill their year of service for completion of their studies at the Bible Institute. He also came with the possibility of taking the church in Anáhuac as pastor. After observing them, it is obvious that he has a pastor’s heart and loves the people here.
Please pray for wisdom as we seek the right timing in this transition and move forward in our ministry.

Couples Conference: We were invited to preach a couples conference at a church in Cuauhtémoc. It was very well attended, we had complete liberty to preach, and most of the couples came forward in the invitations. The people brought visitors and the last night, one visiting couple was saved. Amen!!

Mexican Citizenship: We have been denied citizenship at least for now but we may be able to reapply later. We have applied for our new FM-2 work visas. Please pray that they come soon.

Praise: People saved; Privilege of serving the Lord

Prayer: Missions offerings; Construction; The power of God on our lives; National Pastor; FM-2 Visas

In His Service,