November and December 2007

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13

We hope all you had a Merry Christmas and that you will have a blessed New Year!!
Most of our supporters have been faithful every month, although some churches are having financial difficulties. Some have been a special blessing in sending us special Christmas offerings besides the regular support. Thank you and God bless all of you for standing with us and for being a blessing!!

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa is seeing the blessings of the Lord in spite of the devil’s attempt to discourage us. We haven’t seen the souls saved that we would like, but the Lord has sent visitors to most every service.
Please pray for Rosa and Joanna her daughter, whom we led to the Lord. They have family problems and have yet to come to church. Rosa’s uncle was the first person we won to the Lord in Anáhuac. He was faithful to come to church until his death. This is the first fruit we’ve seen as a result of his death eight years ago.
We had our Christmas program with all of the children’s and teen classes participating. It was a real blessing to hear the children reciting the lines they had memorized. The teens performed a short cantata that was a blessing as they told the Christmas story through song. The ladies prepared a wonderful meal and the fellowship was great! We had 124 in attendance, with one saved! This is always a special day for our church!!

Construction: The new auditorium is going up slowly. Building materials suppliers here say that steel prices will go up a lot after the first of the year, but the Lord has provided and we have purchased all of the steel for the roof! Our people have been giving special offerings, and the other day a friend who lives near Anáhuac but doesn’t attend our church, came by with $550 dollars especially for the roof. Praise the Lord! Although we haven’t solicited funds, the Lord is supplying. Another friend showed us how to make the three roof beams, and we should have the roof on soon. Amen!!

Youth Conference: We took ten of our teens to a youth conference the end of December. Most of them went forward at the invitations, and came back encouraged. Pray that they will continue to be strong in the commitments they made to the Lord.

Family: We are getting some feed-back from our Mexican citizenship application, but haven’t been approved as yet. Please pray that we will still be approved if it is the Lord’s will.
Connie’s brother and his wife came to see us for a week in December. It was their first time to visit Mexico and we had a great visit. Our youngest, Bethany was able to come home for almost a month for Christmas break from Bible College. It is sure a blessing to be with family at the holidays!

Praise: Lord’s provision; Christmas program; Construction; Youth conference; Family

Prayer: Souls saved; Rosa & Joanna; Mexican citizenship

In His Service,