March and April 2011

Dear Friends in Christ,

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” Philippians 3:10

Sending church: First Baptist Church of Milford, OH brought us home for a long weekend, to show us their love and that they are praying for us. They really spoiled us – it was quite overwhelming and humbling for so many to let us know they are praying for us daily, and for their outpouring of love and generosity. Thank you First Baptist and Pastor and Mrs. Duttry for expressing your love and concern for us! What a blessing!!

Health Update: Connie saw the doctor April 5, and she said that the blood counts are all back in the normal ranges. In fact, Connie is doing so well that she doesn’t need to see her for three months.
Praise the Lord! The doctor still believes she has leukemia, but until it causes the blood counts to change or Connie feels worse, they will not continue with more treatment. We are still praying that the Lord will heal her. Meanwhile, we are taking some nutritional cleanses to help clean toxins from the body. Please pray with us to know God’s will; if the blood counts are still normal in three months, whether He would have us make plans to go back to Mexico then.
Connie has had opportunity to do some things that she seldom gets to do. She enjoyed a ladies retreat in St. Joseph, Mo, and we went to be with her mom and dad to celebrate his 83rd birthday!
During these three months, our daughter Bethany will graduate from Heartland Baptist Bible College and get married. We are also expecting another granddaughter from our son Andrew and his wife Shana. Thank you for praying for her pregnancy, she is doing better! Amen!

Ministry: We had the privilege of participating in the Mission Conference here at Midlands Bible Baptist Church in Bellevue, NE. Their new Faith Promise goal exceeded their giving from last year by about twenty percent!! We also preached at the conference at Calvary Baptist Church in Seward, NE, and upon having a good increase in their Faith Promise commitment, they voted to take us on for monthly support! Praise the Lord; He continues to bless us with new support! Amen!!
We have had the privilege to fill the pulpit in a couple of churches as well as preach a home-school chapel, take teens to a youth rally, work with visitation, sing in the Easter cantata, and do several maintenance projects here at Midlands. What a blessing to serve our great and mighty God!!

Prayer: Connie’s health – healing; God’s will as to when we go back to Mexico; Bethany – graduation May 12 & wedding June 18; Shana’s pregnancy (due in July); Continued prayer for Bro. Doug Taylor

Praise: Generosity and love of FBC, Milford; Connie’s blood counts normal; God’s provision and opportunity for service.

In His Service,

See enclosed letter from Midlands Bible Baptist Church (pdf)