July and August 2011

Dear Friends in Christ,

“…we…do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;” Colossians 1:9c-10

Ministry: We are finalizing things in the U.S. for our return to Mexico. We have reported to a few more churches, filled the pulpit in others and God continues to give us new support!
I brought a charge at a sportsman’s clinic with Fellowship Baptist in Lincoln NE. I have been fixing and doing maintenance on some of the equipment at Midlands Bible Baptist in Bellevue, as well as visitation for the church. Praise the Lord for opportunities to witness.
I also worked some at West Omaha Baptist on their new store-front building. The devil has sure been fighting them through city inspectors, etc.; surely the Lord is going to do great things with them. They need to move into the new building soon. Please pray for Bro. Doug Robertson and the church.

Health Update: Connie finished with physical therapy for her “frozen shoulder.” She still has pain but the doctor believes if she will continue stretching and exercising at home, she should regain complete mobility in a few months.
She had another blood test and the counts are still in the normal ranges. Amen! The oncologist wants us to fax results of periodic blood tests done in Mexico, to alert us to elevated white blood cell counts.

Mexico: As God continues to bless, we will be going back to Mexico later in October! Amen!
Please pray for direction to know the area where the Lord wants us to plant another church!

Address Change: We have left the Omaha area and our dear friends at Midlands Bible Baptist Church in Bellevue, NE. The Lord used Pastor Dave and Sandy Lydick and the church to be a great encouragement and blessing to us through our time there! We will sure miss them.
Please note our new temporary address from which mail can be forwarded to us. We will let you know when we have a new field address. You can always contact us by e-mail, or check our website for updated info.

Prayer: God’s direction in Mexico; Connie’s frozen shoulder, leukemia – complete healing;
Doug Robertson & West Omaha Baptist

Praise: Faithful supporting churches; Connie feels well; Blessings of Midlands Bible Baptist Church;
Returning to Mexico; Opportunities to preach, witness & serve

In His Service,