November & December 2011

Dear Friends in Christ,

“The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.” Lamentations 3:25

Happy New Year!! We trust that all of you had a great Christmas. Praise God He sent His Son Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all! Thank you for your faithful support and also all who sent special Christmas offerings and gifts! God always supplies our needs and we so appreciate your part!

Opportunities for Ministry: I’ve had several opportunities to preach, and we’ve had a part in other church services. We have knocked doors, made visits and handed out tracts. In Los Mochis, a young woman came to church after a tract and invitation were left on her door, and she got saved after I preached on Sunday morning! Amen! A man from Guanajuato knocked our door looking for work, so he not only got paid for washing our car, but he also heard the Gospel and got a John & Romans. We’ve also had opportunity to witness to friends and neighbors again.

God’s Direction: We have been looking at some areas where there is still much to be done in spreading the gospel and for New Testament Churches to be started. We have mostly been looking in the states of Chihuahua, where we started another work, and in the state of Sinaloa. We might also have a short-term opportunity to help a missionary in transition as he leaves, and a man from the church takes the reins. We’re looking forward to relocating and beginning again soon. Please pray with us as God directs our paths.

Anáhuac: Pastor Eduardo Orozco and the Precious Seed Baptist Church that we started are doing great, for which we are thankful. We attended their Christmas service, and there was a great spirit and several visitors. Praise the Lord!! They invited us back for their New Year’s Day service the next week. Gabriel and Teresa, whom we won to Christ several years ago, were celebrating their twenty-fifth anniversary and renewed their vows. What a blessing to see them and their children serving the Lord! Amen!

Health Update: Connie’s blood counts still appear to be in the normal ranges. Praise the Lord!!

Christmas: We were especially blessed to have our daughter, Bethany and Kyle, our son-in-law, come visit us for Christmas! She had him enjoying “real” Mexican food by the time they left.

Prayer: Opportunities to witness & compassion for the lost; God’s direction for us; Connie’s health

Praise: God’s provision for our salvation; His constant protection and provision; Pastor and Church in Anáhuac doing well; Connie’s continued good health; Having family with us for Christmas

In His Service,