November & December 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”  1 John 4:14

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support. A special thanks to those who sent Christmas offerings! We hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and wish you a great New Year – perhaps our Lord will come for us this year!!

Camargo: Attendance of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista has been fairly consistent. It is so hard to get people who work 7 days a week to understand they have to make time for God and that He will provide better than they can for themselves. We finished up 3 more Bible studies, and started 3 new ones, and still need to start with others. Juan and Leticia and their daughter Diana are very excited to study every week. Daniel and Andrea, two children and another on the way, are now studying with us. Her parents who live in Veracruz, Mexico, had given them a Bible and a month later came 36 hours by bus to see that they were getting into a church that really teaches the Bible. They seemed very encouraged to hear me preach and teach the same things they believe about salvation, etc. In the first study, Daniel said he could not just stop going with his mother to mass and asked if I had a problem with that. I told him that he had to form his own convictions based on the Bible. Pray they understand and get saved soon! Roberto and Berenice also started studying but are really struggling to continue. Pray the Lord would convict them of their need of salvation. Please continue praying for the Rojas family. Raquel and their 14 year old son Luis have recently been saved but Victor continues coming home every two weeks and gets drunk. Raquel has come to wits end but we are trying to encourage her to be a good testimony to him, though she has been putting up with his addictions for years. We have also been trying to reach Victor’s parents, Jesús and Maxi, and some of their other kids and families.  Eliseo Ruiz admitted he was confused because of all the different “religious instruction” he has had throughout his 65 years of life. Every time I try to lead him to Christ, he either gets angry that I would doubt his salvation or he tells me another story of how God has worked miracles in his life. He has actually been the most faithful to church services. He told me he could finally see that salvation was really quite simple. Keep praying for him!

Family: We would have loved for all of our family to come to Mexico for Christmas but for several reasons, it just wasn’t possible. So, all 4 of our kids, their spouses, and all 9 of our grandbabies decided to come to El Paso and we went there to celebrate Christmas with them! Connie’s folks and brother came as well. What a blessing and great memories!! A huge Thank You to Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso for allowing us to use their building for our special family Christmas!!

Praise: Blessings of 2013; 3 new & 3 completed Bible studies; Souls saved; Family Christmas

Prayer: Salvation of Juan/Leticia, Daniel/Andrea, Roberto/Berenice, Victor, Eliseo; Faithful Attendance

In His Service,