May & June 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is in a summertime slump. Not because people are gone on vacations but because the majority have work. In spite of a little lower attendances, we have new visitors nearly every service. We celebrated Mother’s Day, then Father’s day and enjoyed special services with cake afterwards. Everyone loved the fellowship and it was a good time of exhortation! The church had a birthday party for me with a meal, cake and 51 in attendance! It was a blessing! I led Sergio to the Lord after he had read from Genesis to Ruth, seeking the truth! And he is still reading, AMEN! Please continue praying for his wife and 3 kids to be saved! Eliza just got saved and is so excited! We’ve tried to win them to the Lord for over a year. The day before her surgery I urged her to get saved. Weeping, she called on the Lord and then said, “Why did I wait so long?” The surgery went well. Pray for her husband José and her parents to be saved. Armando and Jorge, young men who are separated from their wives each called on the Lord! Jesús Manuel and Belén are really confused but want to know the truth. Pray for their salvation. The church is getting more consistent in their offerings, paying the rent and utilities. We were able to get a couple of mini-split air conditioners for the store-front. Wow, what a blessing! We are starting a new series in the Sunday afternoon services on 1 Peter; ‘Salvation and Suffering’, admonishing us to be “Exceptional Christians and an Exceptional Church”. I have challenged our people to fast again, so we have someone from the church fasting and praying every day of the week. We are excited to see what God is doing and will do in our church and community!

Building: Another $5,000 has come in for the building. We have just over $20,000, so if 20 of our supporters could help us with $1,000 each, we believe that $40,000 would be a reasonable offer.

Health: Connie’s blood counts continue to fluctuate. Please pray for the doctor to have the wisdom to know how to treat her but especially for the Great Physician to heal her if it would be His will.

Family: Connie and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. It was a blessing to be able to get away for a few days just for us! Two different preachers filled the pulpit in my absence. Our people really need to hear Mexican men preach the same thing that I preach. Amen! With the oil slump, two of our sons, Seth and Joshua were laid off. They and their families have been faithful in their churches in OK. Please pray that God would give them the employment he wants them to have, in His timing.

Praise: Visitors & opportunities to present the gospel; People saved; A.C. in the storefront

Prayer: Jesús & Belén, Sergio’s family, Eliza’s family – salvation; New series, fasting; Church Building; Connie’s health; Seth and Joshua – employment

In His Service,