July and August 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Health Update: Since Connie had her spleen removed and was diagnosed with a rare type of lymphoma, she has prayed that everyone would be amazed by what God will do through it all.

First, the Lord provided us with health insurance that even covers pre-existing conditions! Then a follow-up C.T. scan and the slides from the biopsies were sent to the University Medical Center in Omaha Nebraska. They disagree with the original diagnosis, and believe it is “T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia”. Although still rare, it is more consistent with how she feels.

Connie’s doctor, who is the head of the oncology department, has prescribed a lower level of chemo, three times a week for 12 weeks, beginning Sept. 6. The worst side effects should be nausea and a weakened immune system, for which she will be on antibiotics.

The doctor said it is probable that we can return to México when she is sure the leukemia is in remission. Amen!! Please pray for God’s amazing grace through this journey!

Thank you so much for your prayers, notes and calls of encouragement!!

Change of Address: A year ago, our plan was to move to the state of Sinaloa, México by the summer of 2010 but for now, that has been postponed. We have rented an apartment in Omaha NE for the time of Connie’s treatment. Please note our temporary address:

9755 Mockingbird Drive #47

Omaha NE 68127

Ministry: One of our greatest burdens is that of bringing forth fruit to the account of those who faithfully continue to support us. Thank you for holding up our hands in this battle as well!

We have many opportunities to testify of His sustaining and saving grace, to witness to people and give out many tracts. Pray the words fall on receptive hearts!

We were privileged to attend and participate in some of the activities of the Bible Baptist Church of Carthage, MO, a supporter of our ministry. Pastor Hogan and the church were a great blessing to us! I personally got to lead 3 boys to the Lord in their VBS. On visitation the Lord allowed me to lead two men to the Lord whom we hear have presented themselves for baptism! Amen!

Here in Omaha, we have started attending the Midlands Bible Baptist Church. Pastor Lydick and the members have welcomed us with open arms and are already a blessing to us.

Prayer: Connie’s health; Wisdom for the doctor; God’s will for our lives; Opportunities for ministry & people to be saved through our witness

Praise: Health insurance; Better diagnosis; Support and prayers of many friends; People saved & good churches to attend and serve in.

In His Service,