February, March and April 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Health Update: As many know, Connie has had tests done on her spleen and liver. On April 1st, she had laparoscopic biopsies done on her liver and lymph nodes, and she had her spleen removed. The spleen was very large (8”x12”); about the size of a football (normally it should be the size of your fist). The pictures have been shared between many in the medical profession in the Midwest. Connie is healing from the surgery and feels well.
The biopsies were sent to Mayo Clinic and the results show “Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma”.
It is very rare so they really don’t know a lot about it. There are a couple of other tests that should show how much it has spread.
We are praying about what our next step should be. We’re trusting God to give us direction and of course, we continue to pray for healing! Thank you for your prayers!
Also, thank you so much to all who have sent cards, called, and to those who have sent special love offerings! Words cannot express our gratitude! What a blessing!

Furlough: We’ve had meetings the past couple of months, reporting back to churches and a few new churches in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas. God has granted us safety in our travels and shown His grace as He has provided through His people.
The ministry opportunities have been great and seven people have been saved during the invitation, after church, and on special visits. Amen!
It was a blessing to be in a couple of mission conferences, for the fellowship with the churches as well as with the other missionaries, and it is always great to be challenged by the preaching.
Due to Connie’s health needs, we had to cancel some of our recent meetings. Lord willing, we can reschedule those again.

Plans: Our plan is to return to Mexico as soon as possible. June was the original target date but that may have to be postponed for health reasons. We will let you know.

Prayer Requests: Connie’s health; Continued protection and provision; To be an encouragement to churches and for people to be saved during our furlough; Housing and move to Guasave, Sinaloa

Praise: Souls saved; More opportunities to share the gospel; Provision and protection

In His Service,