May & June 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is staying fairly consistent in attendances but also experiencing its share of growing pains. We have some new people studying and attending services, while others don’t want to stay committed. The economy has been real bad, so some have had to look for work away, although others are starting to work in the fields with jalapeños etc.

Connie had a special time of recognition for the kids in her class who had taken a test on the first four chapters of the book of John. It was exciting for kids and parents alike to see some immediate fruit from their faithfulness.

We continue to have visitors and recently a family of five visited, who seem very interested in the church. Pray for God’s will for the Chavira family. We have been distributing tracts, witnessing and praying with people at a hospital just one block from where the church meets. There is a continual flow of different people who have health needs that cause them to think more about eternity.

Please pray for two couples, José & Eliza and Chumel & Erica. They need to see Christ as the only real Saviour and haven’t been able to see that the virgin of Guadalupe is an artificial substitute for the real thing. Pray they will get past this obstacle and trust Christ with all their heart.

We led a man to the Lord after he was deported from the U.S. He has never missed a service, but his wife, and 4 kids who were born in the U.S. are still there, so naturally he wants to be reunited with them.

El Paso, TX: The Bearing Precious Seed ministry hosted a hundred men from our sending church who worked on the property. They also taught sessions pertinent to men and took evangelistic trips into Juarez. We were able to be there for three days to know more of the men from our church and help them on the evangelistic trips. It was a great time of fellowship and spiritual recommitment, and many people in Mexico heard the gospel. Amen!

Praise: People saved; Visitors; Connie’s class; Evangelism opportunities; Great 100 men retreat

Prayer: Iglesia Bíblica Bautista; People to be faithful; People to be saved; José & Eliza, Chumel & Erica; God’s will for deported man & family

In His Service,

March & April 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23

Camargo: Services of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista continue well with frequent visitors. Attendances have been in the mid 20’s both on Sundays and Thursdays, often with more on Thursday. We had our first missionary last Sunday with a dinner after the service. We always knew we would have a good number if everyone came at the same time and we found out in that service, with our highest attendance of 60! Amen! We are teaching a discipleship series on Thursdays and it is great when people see what God expects from them! We continue with in-home Bible studies. It is such a blessing when they begin to read the Bible and see themselves and God in a whole new light! One teen and his 10 year old brother were saved this last week as a result of the studies! Amen! Karla and her 2 little girls attend faithfully and are such a blessing as she really wants to know the truth! None of her own family is here in Camargo and her husband and mother in law continually attack her for allowing those “Protestants” to corrupt the little girls. Pray that she can stand up to the attacks and insults and be a right testimony, so that her husband, Ulyses and family would be saved. José, who had been out of work, is now working out of town, so he and Eliza study with us when he comes home. They have sure been having problems, which is probably God working to bring them to Himself. Because of not having work so long, they sold everything of value and downgraded their car, just to feed the family. Three year old Cristina drank something and had to have her stomach pumped; they got hit by a drunk driver but fortunately weren’t hurt. His mother blames all of their problems on their leaving the Catholic faith. Please pray they will be saved soon.

Fellowship: Pastor Eduardo and his family and church from Anáhuac brought 27 for a couple of days during Easter week. It was great to see some of the folks from the church we started and for our people here to see a functioning church and what they might expect of their church. Bro. Eduardo and I both preached to the combined group of 47. Those from Anáhuac seemed encouraged by what God is doing here in Camargo.

Health: Connie’s blood counts have changed some but the Dr. says they are still fine.

Praise: Attendances; Boys saved; Great time with Anáhuac/Camargo churches; Connie’s blood tests

Prayer: People to be saved; Continued church growth; Karla & Ulyses; José & Eliza

In His Service,

January & February 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”  1 Corinthians 1:9

Camargo: We have been enjoying unusual 70-80 degree temperatures for about a month. The pecan harvest finished in December and from then until spring planting, there isn’t much work.  Some Christmas gifts were donated to the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista and earlier this month, we had a special kid’s program with songs, illustrated lessons and the teens helped with puppets. Everyone enjoyed the special combined service and several heard the gospel for the first time! We had our highest attendance; with a total of 45 and 25 were children. The following week we had 39 and Connie had 18 kids in her class (10 yrs. and under). Amen!  Some of the church people have been inviting folks. As a result, José and Elizabet recently came. He has been out of work for 7 months and battles with depression. They tried to convince me they knew the Lord because they were religious and had been seeking God. I asked them when they had been saved but they didn’t know what that meant. It reminded me of 38 years ago, when I thought I was a Christian but hadn’t heard the term “saved”. I had been raised in a moral, dedicated “religious” home and knew about the Lord, but I didn’t know the Lord; I had never been saved. Please pray for José, Elizabet and their family to be saved.  Pray for the salvation of Jesús and Mónica, Alma (19), Chumel (15) and his pregnant “wife”, Erica. Though Catholic, they have been faithful to study at home but haven’t come to church services yet.  Eight year old José first came to church with a friend. He lives with his grandma Elena, who has terminal cancer. Vanesa, her daughter in law, has come and is bringing other family members to church. Pray for these families’ health and salvation. Juan, Leticia and daughter Diana accepted Christ! Amen! Sadly; they recently had to move away.  Please continue praying for Daniel and Andrea who are expecting their third child in April. They started studying because of her parent’s insistence but because of his work, haven’t been able to study or come to church for weeks. The Pemex ammonia factory where he works should be back up and operational by sometime in March so hopefully they will be able to resume studying soon.  We have been praying that the Lord would send or raise up out of our midst, the man He wants to pastor the church here. We are also praying for teachers and workers.

Blessings: The Lord provided a ’03 Sport Trac to replace a ’91 Explorer with almost 400,000 miles, which another missionary had given us 10 years ago. We were able to give the Explorer which still ran great, to the pastor of the church in Anáhuac. We were also able to get a small car for another pastor. Then our laptop crashed! We found another one through a Christian friend here in Mexico, who was going to give us a 200 dollar discount. When we picked it up, he told us that Jesus had already paid it! You just can’t out give God! Amen!!

Praise: People saved; Kid’s program; Vehicles and Computer the Lord provided

Prayer: Pastor/Workers; Salvation: José/Elizabet, Jesús/Mónica & fam., Elena, José, Vanesa & fam.,  Daniel/Andréa & fam.

In His Service,

November & December 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”  1 John 4:14

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support. A special thanks to those who sent Christmas offerings! We hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and wish you a great New Year – perhaps our Lord will come for us this year!!

Camargo: Attendance of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista has been fairly consistent. It is so hard to get people who work 7 days a week to understand they have to make time for God and that He will provide better than they can for themselves. We finished up 3 more Bible studies, and started 3 new ones, and still need to start with others. Juan and Leticia and their daughter Diana are very excited to study every week. Daniel and Andrea, two children and another on the way, are now studying with us. Her parents who live in Veracruz, Mexico, had given them a Bible and a month later came 36 hours by bus to see that they were getting into a church that really teaches the Bible. They seemed very encouraged to hear me preach and teach the same things they believe about salvation, etc. In the first study, Daniel said he could not just stop going with his mother to mass and asked if I had a problem with that. I told him that he had to form his own convictions based on the Bible. Pray they understand and get saved soon! Roberto and Berenice also started studying but are really struggling to continue. Pray the Lord would convict them of their need of salvation. Please continue praying for the Rojas family. Raquel and their 14 year old son Luis have recently been saved but Victor continues coming home every two weeks and gets drunk. Raquel has come to wits end but we are trying to encourage her to be a good testimony to him, though she has been putting up with his addictions for years. We have also been trying to reach Victor’s parents, Jesús and Maxi, and some of their other kids and families.  Eliseo Ruiz admitted he was confused because of all the different “religious instruction” he has had throughout his 65 years of life. Every time I try to lead him to Christ, he either gets angry that I would doubt his salvation or he tells me another story of how God has worked miracles in his life. He has actually been the most faithful to church services. He told me he could finally see that salvation was really quite simple. Keep praying for him!

Family: We would have loved for all of our family to come to Mexico for Christmas but for several reasons, it just wasn’t possible. So, all 4 of our kids, their spouses, and all 9 of our grandbabies decided to come to El Paso and we went there to celebrate Christmas with them! Connie’s folks and brother came as well. What a blessing and great memories!! A huge Thank You to Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso for allowing us to use their building for our special family Christmas!!

Praise: Blessings of 2013; 3 new & 3 completed Bible studies; Souls saved; Family Christmas

Prayer: Salvation of Juan/Leticia, Daniel/Andrea, Roberto/Berenice, Victor, Eliseo; Faithful Attendance

In His Service,

September & October 2013

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”  John 5:39

Camargo: We are seeing fruit from the Bible studies, with 10 adults and teens saved in the last month.   Others that we have studied with have given us a good testimony of their salvation but have been away from the Lord too long. Besides those who were saved, some have reaffirmed their faith in Christ and others are learning of the security of the believer. Amen!  We joined the different Bible studies together, and have had attendances in the 30’s in the services of “Iglesia Biblica Bautista”!! Many others have promised they would come, but so far the people in the services are those who have studied with us. Six families continue with Bible studies and more are pending.

We asked prayer for the Ruiz family; father and 10 grown children, 8 of which live here in Camargo.  Eliseo had a car accident and because he didn’t have insurance, they put him in jail until he could pay the damages. All 10 of his kids came to his rescue and paid to get him out. For the first service, 4 of the kids and families came and by our second service, after the accident, Eliseo and 6 of his kids and their families have come. God works in mysterious ways! (The other 2 sons here go to another church.) Continue praying for the salvation of all the Ruiz family.

A few months ago, after witnessing to a young couple, Pablo and Joana, it seemed they were so Catholic they would never accept God’s Word as the final authority. Every question they asked was given a biblical answer from their own bible. The Lord brought Pablo across my path again this week, and the first thing he asked was, “Where is your church? I’ve been thinking about what you said”.  Pray we can reach them.

Daniel, a neighbor who had never acted interested in the Bible, came over to use our microwave as theirs just broke. He asked what kind of church ours was and I told him we only teach the Bible. His mother-in-law had just visited, gave them a Bible and told them to find a church that teaches the Bible! Although they haven’t been able to come yet, they assure me they will soon.

We had asked prayer for the Rojas family and some of them are coming, as well as Juan & Leticia.  Please pray with us that in His timing, the Lord would provide the workers and Mexican pastor and family that this church needs.

Health: Praise the Lord, Connie had good results from her blood test in October!

Praise: People saved; Iglesia Biblica Bautista started; Ruiz family; Connie’s health

Prayer: Church services; Bible studies; Salvation of Ruiz family, Pablo & Joana, Daniel & family;   Rojas family and others; Workers and pastor

In His Service,