September & October 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,                                                     
September & October 2019

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;     Colossians 1:10

Camargo:  The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is so blessed and so am I!  We have a good core group of people that although people come and go, they remain faithful!
    We have been fasting as a church, though not all of our folks participate, from Saturday afternoon until Sunday after the evening service.  We’re all more encouraged, and almost always have visitors in the services! 
    Our Vacation Bible School in August is just now producing fruit. We had several teens up to 17 years old who came to Vacation Bible School.  From 5 to 7 of those 11 to 13 year old young people are coming off and on to our Bible Clubs and youth meetings on Saturday and Sunday evening services!  The first service they came, they were bored in the adult service.  So, we started 2 new classes, one each for boys and girls from 11-13, and some are excited and anxious to learn!  This age group doesn’t feel like kids, but have a hard time fitting into the youth group, though our teens are great to accept and include everyone!  There have also been a few younger kids from the Bible Club coming on Sunday, and 3 that live near the church.  Most weeks we have 3 new older widows coming.
    More of our folks are coming out to knock doors, and some people are sincerely listening to a presentation of the gospel, some making a profession of faith.  On the second visit to an elderly couple, I led Julio and Elizabeth to the Lord.  Please pray they will get into church.                  
    We prayed for Bro. Mario who had been without work for almost 6 months because of his conviction to not miss services.  God blessed him with a great, stable job and benefits, with the biggest milk producer in this region!  God answered in a marvelous way!
    Please pray for Bro Joel, who, Nov. 25, will start tests for some serious health issues.
    Pray the Lord would show us the right Mexican man to pastor this church in His time!

Mission Conference:  I had the privilege of preaching in the Mission Conference at Constitución, Chihuahua, Mexico, with Pastor Rubén Robles.  We first visited that church in 1985, before surrendering to be missionaries, and numerous times after, working with Bearing Precious Seed.  It was sure good to renew old acquaintances with the pastor and some of the older members, and to see their faithfulness.

Sixth Anniversary:  The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista celebrated 6 years from the time we first gathered the Bible study groups together to begin the church.  Bro. David Lydick from Bellevue, Nebraska was our guest speaker, and I translated.  We got to know Bro. Lydick when Connie was undergoing cancer treatments at University Medical Center in Omaha.  We had three great days of preaching, with the altars full most every service!  Some commented that the messages spoke to the depths of their soul, and have asked when Bro. Lydick is coming back!
   To top the week off, a young indigenous couple, Efraín & Flora from Guerrero was saved!

Praise: Faithful church members; Visitors, Teens and children coming; Julio and Elizabeth, Efraín & Flora saved; Bro. Mario work; Great 6th anniversary celebration! Souls saved!
Prayer: Lord to bless our fasting/praying; Bro. Joel/tests/health; Souls to be saved;  Pastor for the Bible Baptist Church

In Christ’s Service
Bro. Ron Winter

July & August 2019

Dear Friends in Christ

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.          James 5:7

Camargo:  Attendances to services of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista haven’t recovered from the summer slump.  Praise the Lord there is a good spirit in the services, we generally have visitors and there are most always people who respond to the altar call!
          Our people who go door knocking and visiting have backed off, in part due to school, but maybe because we continue visiting, but don’t see lasting fruit.  We keep knocking doors and visiting people until they obviously avoid us.
          Bro. Mario has been without work because he won’t work on Sunday or late on Thursday for the mid-week service for 5 months, though there is a lot of work he is qualified to do.  He has a good prospect with a big company, so please pray the Lord will bless his faithfulness and convictions.
          Please pray the Lord will show me who should be the Mexican pastor of this church, as well for the next step in my life.

VBS:  We had a high attendance of 107 at our Vacation Bible School, so didn’t reach our goal, but had a good week, with several of the older kids making a profession of faith!  We’ve not been able to keep any of the kids coming to services from the VBS.

Assistants:  One of my assistants, 22 year old Arturo, will be going to Navojoa, Sinaloa, 19 hours away to Bible institute.  The school he attended for one semester 3 hours away in Torreón, wasn’t going to have any other students, so they’ve suspended classes for now.  Please pray for him as he prepares to serve the Lord, and for Mayra his mom and for his siblings to be saved! 
          Jorge, 27 my other assistant is studying online, and plans to marry this next February.
Pray for these young men as they prepare and for the Lord’s will in their lives.

Teens:  We took 13 of our teens to camp in Creel, Chihuahua.  The theme of the camp was “Prayer” and was a blessing to all!
          We’ve never promoted it, but had several teens come out to the VBS, and still have 3 of them attending the teen meetings and even the kid’s Bible Club.  From here on, we are not going to put age limits on the kids meetings, as apparently some teens aren’t ready to be teens.  Hopefully it will better help them to assimilate into teen life.
Please pray for Jennifer and her family to be saved.  Her parents are separated, and her mom and 2 brothers have come to services, but quit.  Jennifer is attending the teen meetings again.

Move Pastor:  Arturo and I took the truck and trailer down to Durango, about 6 hours away to move Brandon, his wife and 2 year-old son to Parral, Chihuahua to take a church whose pastor left. 

Family:  My daughter Bethany and husband Kyle and 3 kids came down to see me the last week of August.  We really didn’t have an agenda, and just enjoyed the visit!  What a blessing!

Praise:  Good services; Kids saved at VBS, others saved; Dedicated assistants; Teens coming;
Bethany and family / visit
Prayer:  Bro. Mario – Work; Arturo and Jorge wedding plans / Bible institutes, God’s will; Pastor for IBB church; Outreach effectiveness; Brandon and family 1st pastorate; Jenifer & family to be saved

In Christ’s Service,
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua

May & June 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.            Luke 9:24

Camargo:  The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista is in a summer-time slump.  We visit, encourage, but when the chili, tomato, onion, etc. harvest begins, it is just tough!  Attendances are up and down, offerings are down, but we have visitors almost every service!  So praise the Lord!
    We continue following up on the hundreds of people who either made a profession of faith, or at least came to the meeting and heard a clear presentation of the gospel during our scripture campaign the first of May.
    Bro. Mario, one of our most faithful men has been without work for more than 3 months, because he won’t work on Sunday or Thursday late, to not miss church services.  If he had a vehicle, and or his own money to invest for products to sell to stores, he’d have work.
    Mayra was to have a hysterectomy, but because it’s not cancerous they decided to do some kind of treatment and not do the surgery, at least not yet.

Missionary:  Bro. Arnulfo Nieto, a Mexican church planter had taken a year or so off to attend to the needs of his 3 teen age and older daughters.  We took the church van and a trailer to move their household belongings to Meoqui, Chihuahua, where he feels the Lord is leading them to start another church.  They came to our church about 6 months after our mission conference, to challenge us to trust the Lord for our Faith Promise offerings, as we are barely keeping up with the missionaries we are supporting, and need to support more.                                                               
   Later in June we will be going to Durango to move a young preacher and his family to Parral, Chihuahua, to pastor one of the churches Bro. Arnulfo started.
Teens:  Teen camp will be July 22nd to 26th. They are really trying to raise the money.  We’d like for all of them to go, but they must work to earn at least part of their way!      Our teens have a large part in our Vacation Bible School, August 5 through 9 as well.  Bro Jorge, my assistant, is doing a great job of organizing and preparing everything!We had a high of 117 last year and a goal this year of 150. It’s a good opportunity for teens and adults to put in practice what they are learning.  We’re praying a lot of the kids will keep coming.

Health Update:  A neurologist in Chihuahua ordered several tests to find out why I have lost my sense of taste, etc.  The cardiologist said the main valve of my heart isn’t closing completely, thus not getting the full flow of blood to my brain, etc, which he believes is responsible for a variety of strange things.  Sometimes my heart quits pumping blood for more than half a minute.  The blood tests have come back normal, but the blood flow and irregular heart beat seem to be the major concerns.  So, I’m on medications, which I detest, beside the money and having to make time for it!  He cut most green foods, because the vitamin k in them counteracts the blood thinner.

Church vans:  Three years ago a church gave us 2 vans that are still in El Paso.  We were assured that the Mexican government would soon open it up to be able to import them legally.  Just now we learned that they will only be nationalizing vehicles that are already here illegally.  So for waiting to do it legally, we can’t nationalize them.

Praise: Visitors; Mayra didn’t need surgery; More serious health concerns ruled out

Prayer: Tithes and Faith promise to pick up; Mario-work; Arnulfo-new work in Meoqui; Teen Camp in July; VBS in August; My health and adjusting to changes; Import church vans

In Christ’s Service,
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

March & April 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,

I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth… Psalms 40:10

Camargo: Over the course of 2½ years, The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista had gotten a John and Romans into every home, as well as witnessing to all who answered the door in this city of almost 55,000. A group of Americans from Minnesota and North Dakota came down on a scripture campaign the last of April. Bro. Hector Jimenez and family, with Bearing Precious Seed, El Paso, TX a ministry of my sending church, First Baptist of Milford, OH, brought the group down, and helped with everything. BPS also printed up personalized John and Romans booklets, and the group handed out and put on doors, over 22,000! The last night, we had a meeting in a large plaza in the middle of the largest sub-division in the city. There were 304 adults in attendance, and at least 100 kids. At least 50 made a profession of faith at the meeting, of which we got their names and addresses. Several were saved with people from our church door knocking! Amen!
The Lord has been dealing with my heart about challenging the church to fast and pray every Saturday afternoon through Sunday after the evening service. The final motivator for the fasting and praying was for that scripture campaign. Since we started, we’ve had at least one visitor in every service, even a couple of families, most as a result of the campaign! We are very busy just following up on people who came out to the meeting!
I wrote of Mayra, whose son Arturo, is in a Bible institute. She got saved and never misses, and has gotten some of her family to come as well! She has begun being discipled. Pray her other teenage children would be saved and for an upcoming surgery; they are still not sure if it is cancerous.
Karla’s husband is not saved. She is a faithful soul-winner and after a ladies conference, is making changes to be more submissive to him, etc. We have been praying for Oscar for years, and he just had a health scare that woke him up to his lost state! He is now afraid of dying, so is somewhat receptive! Pray Oscar will be saved soon!
René came with his brother, and after church told me he felt empty inside. He said he had tried to fill that void with women, drugs and alcohol, all to no avail. I got to lead him to the Lord, and he is excited! He brought his wife and daughter to church the next service!
Eight ladies are being discipled! It is exciting to see growth, and a desire in the new converts to reach others!

Health: I’ve been having some digestive issues, so have seen some doctors. There doesn’t appear to be a cure, but with daily probiotics I feel pretty well to work and perform my obligations!
I have also lost my sense of taste and struggle to pronounce some words. Tests have already ruled out heart attacks/mini-strokes, etc., but I’m having more tests to rule out other things. I appreciate your prayers, though I’m not worried. I just want the Lord’s will to be done! I Praise the Lord that excellent doctors and medical care are available in Mexico!

Praise: Great scripture campaign; Souls saved, Visitors; The Lord blessing our prayer and fasting as a church; Discipleships; God’s faithfulness; Faithful churches that support me! Thank you!

Prayer: Mayra’s health, kids to be saved; Oscar to be saved; People who’ve made a profession to come to church and get baptized; My health/the Lord’s will

In Christ’s Service,
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

January & February 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,                                                                 

    But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.        Matthew 13:23

Camargo:  In January the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista had its annual Mission Conference with Mexican missionary Jaime Longoria.  The first message, “Wake Up!” was exactly what both the church and I needed.  I was somewhat discouraged, I think in part, because we continuously knock doors, but don’t see “fruit that remains”.  Though we are very careful to avoid “easy believism”, most every week, I or others from the church, have someone make a profession of faith.  But almost never can we get one of them to come out to a single service.  We realize the work is the Lord’s, that He will build His church! We not only need to be faithful to go and seek the lost, but also to fast and pray, seeking his hand upon us.  My assistant and I regularly fast and have prayer meetings, and we are trying to encourage our church to spend one day a week fasting and praying for our church, that the Lord would bless our efforts to reach the lost, and to baptize and disciple them! 
    The Mission Conference was a success, though the promise was barely more than last year’s.  Some hadn’t kept up, so I was encouraged by their new resolve!
    We sent Arturo, one of my assistants, to a Bible institute in January.  He is doing well, and calls each week, excited about what he’s learned and of ministry opportunities in Torreón, to implement what he’s being taught.  When he was here he worked to help support his mom, Mayra and 3 siblings.  Our church has helped them with some food, etc., besides sending him a love offering  each month.  Then Mayra lost her job and has been a month without work to provide for her 3 teens.  Two are in school and 15 year old Fabian, makes around $5.00 a day, when there’s work, to help out.  Obviously the church and I are helping them more until she can find work.  I believe in part, that it’s because of all this, she’s not missed a single service and her kids are more faithful!  The other day in an invitation, she realized that though she had made a profession of faith, she wasn’t saved!  Right away she started reading the Bible through, with our guide, and in 2 weeks read 2 months’ to catch up!  She wants to be discipled along with some other women who have just been saved or who have never been discipled. She’s also helped clean the church building!
    In the last letter I told of Mónica, who upon trusting the Lord, asked if she could go door knocking with us.  I’m happy to report that she has been door knocking with us!
    One of our ladies had been witnessing to Blanca, but until her husband left her to raise her 2 teens and a 10 year old alone, she was too catholic.  They’ve all been here 3 Sundays in a row!

Kids and teens:  Bro Jorge, my assistant is having neighborhood Bible clubs with the help of some of the teens.  Many don’t continue, but every Saturday a few new kids come!
          Bro. Jorge is doing well with the teen group as well, with attendances of almost 20, besides 4 – 6 teens coming from a good church in Jimenez, about 45 minutes away, who don’t have teen meetings.  That has been a huge encouragement to our teens, as well for them!

Praise:  Souls saved; Good Conference; Church encouraged, seeing fruit; Mayra saved, Mónica

Prayer:  Souls to be saved & baptized; Discipleship courses; Blanca & kids to be saved; Arturo in Institute; Bible Clubs; Teens to be more faithful to church services

In Christ’s Service,
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico