September and October 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 11:33, 36

Health Update: Connie is three-fourths of the way through her chemotherapy here in Omaha, NE. Her last treatment is scheduled for Friday November 26, the day after Thanksgiving.
She has done well and only had a few side effects the first couple of weeks. Overall she feels well, except for some fatigue. The Lord is so good!
We feel blessed that things have gone well, when so many others are quite sick with their treatment.
It is a lesson to us to serve the Lord to the best of our ability today because we don’t know what tomorrow might bring.
December 28 she will have another bone-marrow biopsy done and then an appointment with the doctor on January 4, to get the results of the biopsy, which will determine our next move.
Please pray that the treatments are effective. The doctor talks of remission, but we pray for complete healing. We are still praying that God will amaze everyone and that He will be glorified!

Ministry Opportunities: We pray before going for each treatment that God would lead us to the people we need to talk to or give a gospel tract to. Only one time a man refused to take a tract. Every time we go to the hospital, we meet people from all over the United States who don’t have the same hope that we have as God’s children. Please pray that the Lord would use us as we share the gospel with them.
Our heart’s desire is to be back in Mexico, establishing more churches. Until the Lord allows our return, we know that HE has a purpose and plan for us here.
We are trying to lend a hand at the Midlands Bible Baptist Church wherever we can. Pastor Lydick and the church have been such a help and encouragement during this time!
Please pray for Bro. Doug Taylor, assistant pastor here, who has had some major health issues.

Family: We have had visits from several of our family from CO, OK, and MO since we have been here. What a blessing!

Prayer: Connie – cancer treatments to be effective; For the Lord to be glorified now and in our future; People to be saved through our witness; Bro. Doug Taylor

Praise: Connie feels well; Visits from family; Opportunities to witness

In His Service,

July and August 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Health Update: Since Connie had her spleen removed and was diagnosed with a rare type of lymphoma, she has prayed that everyone would be amazed by what God will do through it all.

First, the Lord provided us with health insurance that even covers pre-existing conditions! Then a follow-up C.T. scan and the slides from the biopsies were sent to the University Medical Center in Omaha Nebraska. They disagree with the original diagnosis, and believe it is “T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia”. Although still rare, it is more consistent with how she feels.

Connie’s doctor, who is the head of the oncology department, has prescribed a lower level of chemo, three times a week for 12 weeks, beginning Sept. 6. The worst side effects should be nausea and a weakened immune system, for which she will be on antibiotics.

The doctor said it is probable that we can return to México when she is sure the leukemia is in remission. Amen!! Please pray for God’s amazing grace through this journey!

Thank you so much for your prayers, notes and calls of encouragement!!

Change of Address: A year ago, our plan was to move to the state of Sinaloa, México by the summer of 2010 but for now, that has been postponed. We have rented an apartment in Omaha NE for the time of Connie’s treatment. Please note our temporary address:

9755 Mockingbird Drive #47

Omaha NE 68127

Ministry: One of our greatest burdens is that of bringing forth fruit to the account of those who faithfully continue to support us. Thank you for holding up our hands in this battle as well!

We have many opportunities to testify of His sustaining and saving grace, to witness to people and give out many tracts. Pray the words fall on receptive hearts!

We were privileged to attend and participate in some of the activities of the Bible Baptist Church of Carthage, MO, a supporter of our ministry. Pastor Hogan and the church were a great blessing to us! I personally got to lead 3 boys to the Lord in their VBS. On visitation the Lord allowed me to lead two men to the Lord whom we hear have presented themselves for baptism! Amen!

Here in Omaha, we have started attending the Midlands Bible Baptist Church. Pastor Lydick and the members have welcomed us with open arms and are already a blessing to us.

Prayer: Connie’s health; Wisdom for the doctor; God’s will for our lives; Opportunities for ministry & people to be saved through our witness

Praise: Health insurance; Better diagnosis; Support and prayers of many friends; People saved & good churches to attend and serve in.

In His Service,

May and June 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalms 43:5

México: When we left México on furlough, we left a lot of our household things packed and ready to move. With the uncertainty of our immediate future, in June we went down to México to move all of our things into storage, ready for when we are able to relocate to another area of México. While in México we had the opportunity to preach at the “Precious Seed Baptist Church” in Anáhuac where Bro. Gonzalo Garcia is pastor. We enjoyed seeing the folks there again and had a great time of fellowship. Some of the church families also invited us to eat with them and that was a blessing!

We also preached in three other churches on this trip, with several making decisions to serve God, one coming for salvation and another for assurance. Amen!

Our schedule didn’t permit us to attend the graduation of Gabi and Pati from Bible institute, but they have finished their formal studies, and have moved back to Anáhuac to finish their schooling with a year of service in their home church. Amen!

Health update: The doctor in Missouri referred Connie to a doctor who specializes in lymphoma, at the university hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. That doctor is recommending a very aggressive, extensive chemotherapy followed by a bone-marrow transplant.

During the time that we have been making preparations to begin treatment, Connie has been taking some natural supplements. She had another CT scan that has been sent to Nebraska to determine if the lymph nodes show any change. Connie continues to feel well and actually has more energy.

Praise the Lord! We continue to pray for healing and a complete recovery!

The financial part of all of this has been quite an ordeal. We didn’t have insurance coverage from a company in the U.S., but because we had maintained a policy in México, we were finally able to get coverage in the U.S., without any pre-existing exclusions. Praise the Lord!!!

We are still paying on the remaining $20,000 from the splenectomy, but we have two years to pay it without interest.
Thank you so much for the special love offerings and for your prayers and notes of encouragement!

30th Anniversary: May 23rd we celebrated 30 years as “Ron & Connie Winter”. God has been so good to us “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health”. He has blessed us with four children, three daughter-in-laws and two grandchildren.

The Lord has allowed us a fruitful ministry as missionaries for 23 years.

We are looking forward to being used of the Lord to glorify Him until He comes for us!!

Prayer Requests: Precious Seed Baptist Church & Pastor Gonzalo; Connie’s health

Praises: God’s continual provision and protection; People saved; Gabi & Pati graduation; Insurance; Privilege to serve the Lord; 30th anniversary

In His Service,

February, March and April 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Health Update: As many know, Connie has had tests done on her spleen and liver. On April 1st, she had laparoscopic biopsies done on her liver and lymph nodes, and she had her spleen removed. The spleen was very large (8”x12”); about the size of a football (normally it should be the size of your fist). The pictures have been shared between many in the medical profession in the Midwest. Connie is healing from the surgery and feels well.
The biopsies were sent to Mayo Clinic and the results show “Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma”.
It is very rare so they really don’t know a lot about it. There are a couple of other tests that should show how much it has spread.
We are praying about what our next step should be. We’re trusting God to give us direction and of course, we continue to pray for healing! Thank you for your prayers!
Also, thank you so much to all who have sent cards, called, and to those who have sent special love offerings! Words cannot express our gratitude! What a blessing!

Furlough: We’ve had meetings the past couple of months, reporting back to churches and a few new churches in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas. God has granted us safety in our travels and shown His grace as He has provided through His people.
The ministry opportunities have been great and seven people have been saved during the invitation, after church, and on special visits. Amen!
It was a blessing to be in a couple of mission conferences, for the fellowship with the churches as well as with the other missionaries, and it is always great to be challenged by the preaching.
Due to Connie’s health needs, we had to cancel some of our recent meetings. Lord willing, we can reschedule those again.

Plans: Our plan is to return to Mexico as soon as possible. June was the original target date but that may have to be postponed for health reasons. We will let you know.

Prayer Requests: Connie’s health; Continued protection and provision; To be an encouragement to churches and for people to be saved during our furlough; Housing and move to Guasave, Sinaloa

Praise: Souls saved; More opportunities to share the gospel; Provision and protection

In His Service,

September and October 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” 1 Peter 1:7

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista “Semilla Preciosa” has been somewhat discouraged and not unlike other churches in these end days, quite apathetic. Many of our men are working 12-14 hours a day and put in a half a day on Saturday, due to the strained economy. Most of the teens are in school until 8 o’clock as well, so our midweek services and visitation have really taken a hit.
The spirit in the Sunday services has been improving, we are having some visitors, the attendance is picking up, and we have had people saved. AMEN!
We have restructured our Sunday School and are training some new people for teachers. They seem to be excited at the challenge.
We are just finishing a study of the book of Revelation and it is exciting to see that surely it will not be long before the Lord comes for us, but sobering to see the souls that still need to be won!

Construction: The construction has been slow due to the men working so many hours. We have the windows in, and are getting the building closed up. The church has been saving up to hire some of the work done so we should see better progress soon. The peso lost about 25% of its buying power this last month, so that will hurt us as well.

Survey Trip: We have been praying for the pastor that the Lord has for the church. Although we can’t leave until the church here has a pastor, we feel that we need to “get out of the boat”, and trust the Lord to provide, as well as show us where He would have us start another church.
In November, we are going to a few places in México where we have heard of a need for Bible preaching churches. Please pray for our safety as we travel, and for the Lord’s direction.
After planning the survey trip, we heard of a young couple that has been in the ministry for several years, who are now between ministries. We contacted them and they will be coming to fill the pulpit in our absence. Please pray for Gonzalo and his wife Adela, to know the Lord’s will for their lives and for the church in our absence.

FM-2’s: Our work visas have to be started over from scratch, but it appears that our ten years living in México will count in our favor. Please pray we get them soon.

Prayer: Unity of the church; Pastor for the church; Construction – provision; Our survey trip; FM-2 visas

Praise: Privilege to serve the Lord; Gonzalo and his family coming to fill the pulpit

In His Service,